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A/N Normal text is what's happening currently, italic are flashbacks/memories

If ur wondering what changed scroll down. I gave this one shot a more fitting ending.

Caera POV

I stopped Grey from leaving and he turned toward me

"I hope you still remember our deal Grey," I said giving him a smile

I heard him sigh as I saw his eyes filled with fear, dread, and hesitation and I wondered why?

"Fine I'll tell you everything about myself but first Caera you must know something," He said and I sat down across from him

"You know there is something higher than mana which is called aether but in truth, there is something else above aether," He said and my eyes widen

"What is it?" I asked him my voice laced with curiosity

"Fate, "He said and I couldn't read his emotions

"Do you mean by actual fate?" I asked him

"Yes actual fate, the power to determine the future" He replied whilst nodding

"What does this have to do with your identity?" I asked him still confused

"There is another use for fate Caera," He said and I nodded

"Ressurection" He simply said and my eyes widen

"What do you mean Grey?" I asked him with a little hope that I could get my brother back

"I was a product from Agrona's first experiment on fate. Although that was something I recently found out after my fight with Nico" He said and started to explain about his past life

"Who were you in this world?" I asked

"I'm guessing you didn't use the same name" I continued and I stared at him expecting an answer

"Correct I went with the name my parents in this world gave me" He took a deep breath to calm myself

"Arthur Leywin" He finally said and my eyes widen in shock

"Lance Arthur Leywin?" I asked him for confirmation and He nodded

I froze for a while and finally when I was about to say something, He was about to leave He was about to God step but I stopped him.

"If you want to mock me call me a monster get it over with," He said coldly and I realize why he hesitated, I wasn't the first to know he told someone else and he was treated harshly, I felt a tear travel down my cheek when he turned his gaze towards me

"You've had two hard lives, Grey," I said and pulled him into a hug

He cried on my shoulder as I rubbed his back comforting him.

"I made you a promise Grey that if you decided to tell me everything one day I would never judge you nor look at you differently and I intend to keep that promise" I whispered to him and He let it all out, all his bottled emotions for the past year

After a while, He managed to calm down.

"So do you want me to call you Arthur or Grey?" I asked hesitantly

"Please just call me Grey Caera, I feel guilty whenever someone calls me Arthur it feels as if I took his life from him," He said softly and I walked towards him

"Grey like you said you had no control over that. Agrona was the one who did it" I said in a soothing voice

"And besides I can't have my partner breaking down on me can I" I teased and He chuckled 

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