"I know, it's just that my father says he has something important to tell me" she stated with a roll of her eyes

Natasha hated the idea of going back to the house she spent most of her life getting abused in. But when her father says it's important than it's important. Besides she already tried to talk herself out of it but her father wasn't giving up.

With a sigh Clint nodded in defeat "fine. But I'll pick you up first thing tomorrow morning and if they do anything you call me ASAP"

Natasha nodded "where's Nick" she asked after a while of silence

"Washington. There was something that needed his assistants" he replied

Natasha nodded in understanding before directing her attention to the view outside the car window 'this doesn't look familiar' she thought with furrowed eyebrows.

"Clint, isn't the airport the other way" she asked in a knowing tone as she turned to look at the archer with a accusing look on her face

"It is. But we're not going to the airport" he replied nonchalantly

Natasha looked at him confused but her confusion was short lived when the car stopped in front of a huge private plane.

"A private plane" she asked in disbelief as Clint opened the door for her

"Yeah. Come on" he replied as he took her hand and they ran to the plane


"Are you okay" Natasha asked him worriedly as they took their seats

Clint looked at Natasha and gave her a warm smile "Never better. I have my little sis back" he replied

"I'm glad I have my big bro back too" she said with a smile

Clint looked at the red head in shock

"What? Is something on my face? Did I do something wrong" she asked recklessly

Clint chuckled lightly "you smiled. Like a real, genuine smile"

Natasha rolled her eyes playfully "I guess I'm happy to be back. I think those years at the SSR did me some good"

"So the SSR wasn't that bad?" He questioned

Clint had heard good things about the school but considering a woman like Natasha's mother went there he wasn't expecting Natasha to come out there alive.

Natasha shook her head "I thought it would be considering that my mother was raised there but it wasn't. It was... refreshing" she replied with a small smile lacing her lips

"Refreshing?" He questioned

Natasha nodded "no one to tell me what to do with my body or my hair. No one telling me what to wear and how to wear it. I was able to have friends....real friends. I don't think I've ever been happier"

Hearing that Natasha had a good time at the SSR was enough to put a smile on the archer's face. Natasha deserves nothing more than to be happy. Clint just hopes that that happiness will continue as she goes back to her life in New York.


The rest of the flight went by pretty quickly. Once off the plane Clint and Natasha took a private car to his house so she could say hi to Laura and the new baby before going over to her parents house for whatever the hell they wanted.

"I know this is a lot to take in" he said breaking the silence

"It is. But I'll get through it, I always do" she said with a small smile

Clint nodded and gave her a small smile "I like the hair by the way"

"Thank you" she replied as she looked down at her now short platinum blonde hair (Infinity War style)

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