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Taemin's POV
*small smut*

I was now performing my last song for my US Tour that was held in Seattle Washington, I was exhausted but I love performing and making a living off of it. "SEATTLE I LOVE YOU!!!" I yelled out into the mic in the middle of Advice, and the crowd cheered loudly with screams and cries from overwhelemed fans. My eyes looked around the crowed and then I locked eyes with this girl with beautiful brown hair, she smiled shyly and waved a cute shy wave, I smiled at her and winked at her, chuckling as her cheeks grew red. Advice ended and I bowed down towards the crowd, "Thank you so much for coming out all this way and for having fun with me, I hope to see you all very soon. I'll be at the fan meet to hopefully see all of you there that can make it." I said and locked eyes with her again, "I hope to see you there as well beautiful." I said winking at her again laughing as her face got redder, then I turned around and began to walk off the stage smiling to myself.

I grabbed a bottle of water, drinking half of it then made my way to the fan meet room, sitting at the table as I waited for fans to come into the room. I signed many albums and posters, and recieved lots and lots of gifts, we were halfway done with the fan meet, and I sighed because she hasn't came yet. As it started reaching the end of the line, I started to think that she wasn't even going to come. I stood up from my chair and took a step, "Hold on sir, there's one more coming in." One of my gaurds said and I sighed sitting back down in my seat and looked up at the person that had just kneeled down in front of me, meeting the eyes that I've been waiting to see. "I started to think that you wasn't too come.." I said in a soft tone and gave her a soft warm smile. "I apologize, the line was really long, and some were really impatient to see you, which I understood, so I let them go in front of me." She said. Her voice was like warm vanilla with a hint of sweet strawberries, "It's okay, they could've waited their turns, but then again the best is always last." I said and she blushed looking down shyly trying to hide the blush creeping on her cheeks. I chuckled at her cuteness and reached my hand out lifting her head up from under her chin, "You blush easily, but don't worry, it's cute." I said and she hiccuped. "N-No.. It's just hot in here." She said hicupping and fanning herself with her hand. 'cute..' I thought to myself and I looked down at the album she had in her hand. I smiled and reached my hand out, "Would you like me to sign it?" I asked and she nodded her head, "Please." She said and gently handed me the album. "What's your name beautiful?" I asked, "Nai." She asnwered (Prounced N-eye with an nnn sound for the N) 'cute name.' I thought to myself and took the cap off of the sharpie on the table. "To Nai, you're the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen, I hope life brings you happiness and wealth. Love Taemin xx." I said outloud as I wrote it on the album cover adding a heart and my phone number. "Would you like to hangout afterwards?" I asked and she looked up at me with a surprised look, "Would that be okay..? I mean you're a busy man and I don't want to interfere with any of your plans." She said and smiled and shook my head, "I don't have any plans after this, and you wouldn't be interfering in any of my plans, even if I did have plans." I said reasurring her and she looked like she was thinking about it. "Okay." She said afterwards, "Okay as in you'll want to hangout after this?" I asked and she smiled softly and nodded her head and I smiled, "Awesome." I said with a happy smile, "Just let me help the staff clean up a bit, and yoiu can wait either here or by the door if you'd like." I said and she nodded, "What if I helped clean up? I mean.. They do work hard with putting out the chairs for all of us.." She said and I smiled, "You can do whatever your heart desires." I said and she smiled then put her album into her bag that was on her back the stood up.

I was helping with folding up the chairs and looked to the side, smiling to myself too see Nai helping the staff sweep up the floors then handed them water bottles. We finished cleaning and I walked up to her, "Ready to go?" I asked and she looked up at me with her hair in her face and nodded with a small smile. She stood up fully and I took my hand, pushing her hair out of her face and her face got red again, "There you go blushing again." I said and she began to fan herself again, "I'm not blushing.. It's just hot in here again." She said and I chuckled, "Okay." I said and motioned us to walk out of the room that we were helping cleaning up in. We walked out of the building and walked to my tour bus that my team had rented out for my US Tour, "Ladies first." I said opening the door and she blushed again as I motioned for her to go inside, once she was fully in, I walked in myself and closed the door to keep bugs and the cold air out of the bus. "It's not that big, but make youself comfortable." I said and she nodded the sat on the couch of the bus. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked, "No thank you, I'm okay for now, thank you though." She answered and I nodded my head then grabbed myself a water bottle and set some snacks out for the both of us. "So tell me.. What brings a beautiful girl like you to come to my show?" I asked and she smiled. "It's kind of embarrsing but I've been a fan since you were in SHINee.." She said and I smiled, "So... Are you saying that I was your bias?" I asked and she blushed then nodded her head. "Well, I'm thankfu; to have a beautiful girl like you to have me as her Bias." I said and she hiccuped. "Would you like to have a drink with me?" I asked, "Wait.. How old are you?" I added to the question, "I'm twenty-two." She said, "Do you have a real valid ID to prove that? It's not that I don't believe you, I just don't want to get in trouble." I said and she nodded taking her wallet out of her bag and pulled out a card handing it to me. I looked down to see her Driver's License with her name and birthdate. "Okie dokie." I said and went to the little mini fridge that's in the tour bus. "Have you tried Soju before?" I asked and she nodded her head. "I drink it every so often when I'm in the mood to drink." She said and I smiled a little, "Ah okay, would you like some?" I asked, "I don't see why not." She answered. I grabbed a couple bottles out of the fridge and some paper cups that were on the counter that my crew and I use.

A bottle and a half in, I could feel my cheeks heating up, Nai's face cheeks were red as well, the cutest shade of red I've ever seen on a woman. We talked a lot about ourselves and our interests. She wants to be a producer in music, but feels like she'll never achieve her goal but I told her too chase her dream and to go for it, who knows maybe she'll make it big to be a producer. We drank more, and before I knew it we were both drunk as hell, "I feel like I'm on  a cloud.." She said making me laugh, "Don't laugh!!! Do you not feel it?" She said laughing and with a big bright smile, "I feel it, just never heard anyone say it out loud before." I said and she giggled after. "By the way, I really liked your hair in the Advice music video." She said and I looked up at her, "What did you like about it?" I asked curious to hear her answer. "I liked the color of the black and blue ombreing together, and the way it would move when you would dance." She answered and I smiled, "I liked that hair style too, but I also like your hair color too." I said and she looked at me like I was joking, "How so..? My hair is just plain brown.. Not colorful like yours." She said and I reached out with my hand touching her hair, caressing it gently, "It's still beautiful though and your hair color suits you." I said and her face got redder, "You're blushing again." I said in a soft tone, smiling and cupping her cheek caressing it with my thumb, she blushed more at the feeling of my hand on her face and hiccuped once again, "You have cute hiccups." I said, she looked up at me and I smiled tilting my head to the side, "What?" I asked in a soft tone, and her eyes trailed down to my lips and back up at my eyes, and she pulled back shaking her head. I chuckled and pulled her back placing my lips onto hers, my hand going back on her cheek as my other hand pulled her close and placing on the small of her back. She kissed me back wrapping her arms around me neck as I deepened the kiss gripping on the back of her shirt as her hands gripped the back of mine. We pulled away to catch our breaths, our foreheads pressing agaisnt each other, "Is that what you wanted?" I asked in a low voice and her head nodded I chuckled and moved my head up kissing her again. She tasted sweet like strawberries, I deepend the kiss and placed my hand under her shirt touching the skin of her back. Her hands went to the front of my shirt, resting on my abdomen, I quickly pulled her shirt over head and went back to kissing her, running my tongue across her bottom lip.

She parted her lips a little, and I slipped my tongue into her mouth as I placed both of my hands on her back, feeling her soft skin. She began to unbutton my shirt moaning softly into the kiss as she pushed my shirt off of my shoulders, and I quickly leaned foward to pull it off of me without breaking the kiss. I leaned back once it was fully off of me, and threw it somewhere in the bus. I stood up wrapping her legs around me as I walked to the room of the bus, kicking the door closed as I laid her back on the bed continuing to kiss her. She wrapped her legs around my waist and moaned when I pressed my pelvic against her. I unclipped her bra taking off and tossed it behind me, then kissed down her neck and placed my lips agaisnt the small nub of her breast. She placed her fingers into my hair as soft moans left her lips. She moved her hands down unbuckling my belt and undoing my pants pushing the top down a little then used her feet to push it down further. I chuckled pulled them all the way off of me and undid her pants, pulling them off of her. We were both in our underwear now. I went back to kissing her neck pushing myself agaisnt her and smiling at her tiny moans, "You sound so cute." I said and her face grew red. "I'll make sure you'll never forget this night."

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