Episode 1

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Nat narrates:

My name is Nat, I lived happily with my mother and father, my memories of them, was that we always smiled while playing. But, one day, when I was six years old, my father had a heart attack, and to the sorrow of my family, they could not do anything to save his life.

- I am very sorry that your father is no longer here!

- Thanks Jimmy!

This is Jimmy, my best friend since we were born, our parents have been very close since forever. I thought we would stay in town, where my friends could make me feel better, but my mother decided to take me to the city, where she got a job.

- What will you work mom?

- I'll be personal assistant to the boss in a law firm.

We moved into an apartment almost five times smaller than the house where we lived with dad and that made me cry. I really miss him, I know I'm just a child, but it hurts me that I will no longer see him laugh, hug me, scold me, and lull me at night.

My mom enrolled me in a public school, but because of the financial problems we had, I didn't tell her that I was being bullied. She felt different, I didn't want to be there, I wanted everything to be a terrible nightmare and that when I woke up, my dad was still alive, hugging me.

- Nat, you should tell your mom about all this.

- You don't understand Tommy... My mom has enough problems already.

He was the only friend she had in the city, a generous and kind-hearted person who always wanted to help others. I am glad that there are people like him in this world full of so much pain, at least for me, there is no happiness.

- Nat, I will celebrate your birthday, do you want to invite your classmates?

- It is not necessary Mom; but if you want to do it, invite whoever she is.

- Tell me the truth, what happens at school?

- Nothing, it's just that I don't get along with my classmates.

- But what about Tommy?

- Yes, he's my friend mom... Everything's fine, you don't have to worry. How was work?

-Okay, I met my boss's son... he said I'm beautiful and I look too young to be a mom.

- I remember that dad told you the same thing... - I said with tears in my eyes.

The day I turned 11, there was only my mom, Tommy and for the first time I saw him, it makes my heart race when I have him around. When the little party was over, Tommy's parents came to pick him up, I helped clean up, then retreated to hide on the steps.

- Does your child get bullied? - Max asked my mom.

- Not that I know of! Why?

I don't know, that was the impression he gave me.

I'm so sorry he didn't talk to you.

- Don't worry, remember that my mom also died and I understand what Nat feels.

It's not the same, he lost the tender, loving side of him; but I lost that person who should teach me to be strong. I went to my room, I started crying again, because I don't want anything, just for my father to hug me again, with his strength and love.

I stayed there for a long time, wishing that we still lived in the village and that my father had organized a surprise for me. Until I feel manly hands turn around and surround me tightly, I even dared to cry on his right shoulder.

- What are you doing in my room?

- I heard you cry all the way to the kitchen!

- I want Max back! I need my dad!

- I know, I understand champion!

- That's what my dad told me!

We didn't say another word, Max put me to bed again, staying by my side and comforting me until I fell asleep. The next morning she was gone, that was when I first noticed a very strong change in my mom's attitude towards me.

- Nat, you must stop crying for your father!

- I will not do it! He was my father and I miss him so much!

- He is gone and you must learn to overcome him!

- How can you tell me that? I thought you were the person who loved him the most!

- Things change Nat! Go to class, I'll come for you later...

I will not forget my father, I don't know what he wants with that "you must get over it", but I will not allow him to order me about him. So a lot of questions came to me, all about Max, I don't know what my mother is up to, and I don't care if it has to do with that rich kid.

Classes were different this time, I keep thinking about my mom's attitude, the way she told me to get over dad. And something tells me that Max has a lot to do with this, I'm so furious now, that I took it out on the kid who bullied me and beat the crap out of him.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me, they seemed scared, I had never defended myself from the attacks of others. But, my accumulated anger was stronger, so much so that my knuckles hurt a lot and I could see how blood drained, mine as well as the other child's.

They called my mom to tell her that I got into a fight at school and that I had started it; but I don't remember them calling her to tell her they were bullying me. She arrived very angry and to top off my anger dessert, Max was next to her, the last thing she needed was to see them together.

We were all in the Director's office, I didn't even want to see my mother, because I knew she would accuse me of this. The other boy, he was wiping off the blood, putting ice on his bruises and that's when the Director said I would be expelled for being a problem child.

- Nat, how could you do it? - I was going to claim, when...

- Just a moment! There is a mistake here!

-Max? How do you tell that to the Director?

- Well, I'm sorry! But, I don't think your son is an unreasonable child.

I start to cry like crazy, I can't believe that a stranger believes in me and not my own mother, who is the one who knows me best. Max leans into me, wiping away my tears, and his hands feel so warm, until he stops for a moment to ask.

- Nat, talk to me, tell me what happened.

- It's just... it's just...

- That boy bullies him and the teachers know it... - Tommy comes in screaming.

- Is that true Nathan? - My mom asked me, and I nodded.

- Is that your way of solving the problem? Expel the victim?

- Sir, things are not like that, look, this is a confusion

- I AM A LAWYER! I AM NOT IGNORANT! Don't treat me that way again!

- We can work it out! Please don't be angry!

- Of course we're going to solve it... With a good lawsuit against the staff of this school!

I feel like I have a great hero defending me...

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