"Any sign of her" he asked with an eyebrow cocked

"No" Steve replied "you" he asked

Tony shook his head "nada"

"Please tell me your not talking about that red head again" Sharon said as she walked up to the pair interrupting their conversation yet again

"N-" Steve began

"Yeah, we are. Haven't been able to find her" Tony said interrupting the blonde as he took a bite out of his sandwich

Sharon rolled her eyes in annoyance before she looked over at her boyfriend with a sickly sweet smile on her face. "your still coming to my cheer practice right" she asked changing the subject

"Sorry, I can't. My mom needs me. She's having this auction thing and I promised her I'd help her set up" Steve replied giving her a sorrowful look

Sharon groaned in annoyance "it's always, my mom this, my mom that. When are you ever going to put me first" she asked before stomping away

Tony's eyes grew wide as he let out a long whistle before he turned back to his brother "you know, I don't get what you see in her" he stated as he pointed in the direction that the blonde went to

Steve shrugged, to be honest he didn't see what he saw in her anymore either.


After school Steve and Tony decided they would walk home instead of having Jarvis pick them up like they normally do. While they were walking a black SUV pulled up beside them.

"What the hell is this" Tony muttered with a roll of his eyes as he glanced at the car

Steve shrugged

"Need a ride" a darker skinned man with an eye patch asked as he rolled down the passenger side window looking at the two teen's

"No, we're good" Steve replied

"Are you sure" he asked again

Steve sighed clearly this guy wasn't gonna leave them alone so he looked over at his brother who gave him a nod of defeat. "Fine. But if you kidnapped us my mom will call the police" Steve said in a threatening tone

"Not that it matters. I'm sure that if he did kidnap us our fathers would pay a large sum to get us back" Tony added and Steve shot him a disproving look "now that I said that I realize I shouldn't have" he stated

Nick put his hands up in surrender "I'm not gonna kidnap you" he said in a matter of factly tone

Steve opened the car door and sat down in the back seat next to his brother. As Steve looked up to where the dash is he spotted a photo of a brunette and a red head. Natasha, the red head that him and Tony go to school with.

Steve and Tony shot each other a look not understanding how Natasha knows the man that's driving them home.

"Who's that in the photo" Steve asked curiously as he pointed towards the small photograph

Nick looked up at the brothers through the rearview mirror "the brunette is my daughter the other one is a friend of mine" he replied nonchalantly before he looked back at the road in front of him

"Natasha's your friend" Tony asked with a light chuckle and a cocked eyebrow 

"Yes a friend. I drive her to school everyday as a thank you" he replied with a small smile as he remembered the day he met the red head and how much his life has changed since then

"A thank you?" Steve questioned

"Yes. She helped me through a tough time I'm trying to do the same for her" he replied with a sad smile lacing his lips

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