3- Backstabber

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Author's POV
"I couldn't have done this without your help, Sam" Dave says as the four walk into the room.

"Father?" Melissa questions as Koko holds her hand.

"Melissa, what are you doing here?" Sam asks as he looks at the four children.

"Sam, what do you mean it's like you planned it?" Melissa worries, "were you the ones behind all of this? That can't be right, I won't accept it".

Melissa tries to step forward but Koko stops her. She shakes her head as she stands in front of Melissa.

"You're right Melissa" Dave says as he looks down.

"How could you?" Koko asks as Dave looks at them.

"Dave was only trying to get back what was stolen from him" Sam says as Koko squints, "the invention inside that briefcase can amplify someone's quirk".

"Is that even possible?" Deku questions.

"It is but it's still being tested" Sam says, "unlike drugs, the invention can increase a person's quirk without creating issues with the person's body or brain. The sponsors confiscated the invention and the research data due to the fears of the invention being too strong. They demanded that the project be abandoned. They worried that something like this would impact the superhero community in a negative way. That's why we did this".

"I really don't understand" Melissa says as she looks down, "there must be something I'm missing. You would never do this".

"I'm so sorry" Dave says as he looks at his daughter.

"It doesn't make any sense" Melissa says as she doesn't even bother to make eye contact with her father, "the father I know wouldn't act like a villain, no matter what. Why are you doing this?".

"I had to, in order to save All Might" Dave says as the four of them gasp, "the four of you probably didn't know this but his quirk is disappearing. If he were to use this device, he'd be back to his old self. His abilities would be even stronger than before. The number one hero, the symbol of peace, can get his strength and light back. He can keep saving people just like he always has. Please, just let me hand this device over to All Might and then he can decide if he wants to use it or not. There won't be any time to remake it. If All Might is back to his old self, I don't care what punishment I have to receive".

"The students of U.A. risked their lives" Melissa says as she looks straight at her father, "do you know how dangerous this was? They were trying so hard to save everyone on the island. Koko's back was injured by those robots and someone nearly cut her eye out".

"It's not possible" Dave says shocked, "those villains were fake, it's all supposed to be an act".

"Of course it was a performance" one of the villain says as he comes into the room.

Koko jumps straight towards Dave and Sam as Deku holds Ochako and Melissa behind him.

"The real act was pretending we're not criminals" the villain says with a small chuckle.

"He's the boss" Deku says as his body surges with energy.

The villain manipulates some pipes and pushes Deku, Ochako and Melissa against a wall.

"You would be smart not to resist" the villain says as Koko sets fire to both of her arms, "hand it over, Sam".

Sam grabs the briefcase from Dave and walks straight past Koko. He passes it to the villain.

"Was this your plan all along?" Dave asks as he watches Sam.

"You were the one who tricked me" Sam says as he looks down.

"Here's the payment I promised you" the villain says as he looks at Sam.

He pulls a gun out of his pocket. Koko jumps down to Sam and covers him as she takes the bullet into her back.

"Koko!" the three yell as they fight against their restraints.

"This wasn't part of the plan, no one was supposed to get hurt" Sam says as Koko still stands in front of him.

"Wasn't it?" the villain asks as he grabs Koko and holds the gun up to her head.

Dave goes to help Koko but the villain shoots him in the shoulder. Koko grabs the villain and flips him over as she breaks free of his grip.

"Dad!" Melissa calls out as Koko tears the skirt of her dress.

"Get them out of here" Dave says as Koko passes him the piece of fabric to put on his shoulder.

Koko goes to grab the briefcase but the villain slaps Koko, sending her flying into the wall. He kicks Dave's shins which sends Dave crashing to the ground as he steps on his back.

"If you're trying to play hero after all of this, it's too late" the villain taunts, "no matter what your reasons were, you've dirtied your hands now. Whether we're real villains or actors is irrelevant. You planned and committed to an actual crime. You're exactly the same as us. You can no longer remain a respected scientist or continue your research without shame. Your life will be forever darkened by villainy. If you want a future at all, you'll be a good scientist and mass produce this invention so I can sell it".

The villain picks Dave up and hits him over the head with his gun, knocking him out.

"Take him to the roof" the villain says as two of the villains lackey's come over.

"Please, let him go!" Melissa begs, tears streaming down her face.

"That reminds me. It'd be easier if I got rid of your attachment" the villain says as he points his gun at Melissa.

Koko runs to the villain and grabs his arm, flipping him over. Deku breaks out of his bonds and helps Ochako and Melissa do the same. Deku jumps towards the villain but the villain puts up a thick wall which Deku tries to break through.

"Koko, you stay with me. Let's get Dave and Sam" Deku says as Koko nods, "Ochako, you go with Melissa and take down the security. Then go help the others".

Ochako nods as she and Melissa take off.

"Don't let them get away!" the villain orders as two of his lackey's run for Ochako and Melissa.

Koko sends out a huge ice blast which traps the two villains in place as Ochako and Melissa run out of the room. The villain tries to hit Koko with a wall but Koko easily rolls out of the way and stands next to Deku. All of a sudden, all of the red emergency lights turn off and they hear the sound of machinery powering off.

"They did it. They took down the security" Koko says as Deku smiles.

"I won't let you destroy my plan!" the villain yells as he crushes Deku underneath some rubble.

Deku falls unconscious as the villains leave. Koko explodes the rubble off of Deku and then she leans him against a wall. Koko pats Deku's head before she runs to the rooftop.

My Hero Academia Two Heroes (mha x oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora