Sam's eyes widened as his head dropped to the side to look his own mate up and down. "You? Really babe? I thought you were the cautious one."

"Oh yeah, she is super cautious. She only picked a fight with Wade freaking Wilson, one week after completing Shield training. She was completely, what was the word you used Shar? Oh! That's right, you were completely fine." Raven smirked smugly at her friend while the other three men exchanged glances. 

"This is going to be an adventure." Steve's statement pulled the attention of the women to him. "What do you mean Cap?" Sharon had shifted and was sitting straighter, assessing the only other blonde. 

Sam watched how Raven sat back, her legs falling into a comfortably open stance, her arms thrown casually out on either side of the chair's arms. She was owning the space with ease as she stared at the two blondes. She was obviously compiling information. When his eyes slid to Bucky, he was sitting in a similar fashion while assessing Sam. Sam couldn't help but look at the similarities between the women and the super soldiers. He laughed and spoke out in a joking manner. "I don't have to worry about you ladies being secret soulmates too right? I don't know how I would feel about the five of us being that close. It took enough time to get over my soulmate dating both of my best friends before meeting me, not sure I can handle sharing her with her best friend too."

Steve and Bucky stiffened at Sam's joke while Sharon laughed awkwardly while staring wide eyed at her best friend. Sam blanched when he felt the emotions of his own mate and quickly tried to think of something to fix the situation. 

All eyes slid to an unreadable Raven. Her eyes were assessing, features schooled, emotions were muted. Both Bucky and Steve stood, ready to defend themselves but it wasn't them her eyes glared at. 

"Sharon Fucking Carter, how did you not tell me you dated Captain freaking America and Bucky Barnes? You make me dish on every little thing in my life. The man who smiled at me while walking to who I revenge banged after graduation. Yet, you get to withhold that type of tea? Bitch, game on." A smile crept into place on her face that promised something dark. It was a smile they would expect to see on the likes of Loki more than the tiny woman before them.

Steve watched Sharon try to appease Raven and fail miserably. Bucky watched the way the two women interacted and chuckled quietly, leaning to whisper in Steve's ear. "This reminds me of when I found out you lied to try and join the army for the fourth time. I was so mad and knew just how to get you to apologize. Raven is a bit more like me than I was hoping." 

A tiny smile graced Steve's lips as he responded to his oldest friend and first soulmate. "Means she can handle herself. I can only hope she doesn't find herself in nearly as much trouble as we used to."

"Wait! You can't use the Wade situation. You two had that whole thing for a...." Sharon's words died on her lips as Raven's eyes widened. All three men's gaze snapped to Raven in an instant. 


Bucky's face fell into a menacing glare. "I'll kill him."

Steve patted Bucky's back while he watched the now open mouth and staring Sam Wilson who seemed to have forgotten how to close it after his loud outburst. 

"Uh, oops?" 

"Really Shar? He and I didn't have a thing. We just let you all think that because it was annoying to keep telling you all you were wrong."

Sharon's jaw dropped before she rolled into a ball on the couch laughing hard enough to cry. "That would be something you two would do."

Bucky's stance relaxed with Raven's clarification. The men all chuckling while Raven took a deep breath. She could see herself being at ease with this dynamic. 

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