part 6

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She told me to wait in her living room whilst she was getting a towel but I decided to investigate this stranger. You can never be too careful. I crawled by into her room, the door gave a slow loud creak. I could never unsee what I just saw.
Why did she bring me here? If she was carrying something this awful she wouldn't be this nice. For once in my life I was truly frightened. It wasn't just that either I was horrified. Blood stained the light yellow painted walls. Big bright drops of it were still on the carpet, I went into the bathroom connected to the bedroom. A wide trail of red leaded to the bath tub and inside I found, nothing , absolutely nothing. But the under drawer of the sink was bulging, I opened slowly. There curled up unconscious was a man his face and body covered with bright red smears. The body fell out and someone else came into the bathroom.

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