Summer special!

288 9 14

(wear headphones)

(floofty x reader)

Y/n's pov:

I had woken up to knocking on my door,I got up and answered to see filbo excited.

Filbo: morning y/n! Do you know what's today?

Y/n: morning filbo and no I actually don't know what's today.

Filbo: it's the start of summer!!

Y/n: wow really!

Filbo: yup!

Y/n: thanks for letting me know dude.

Filbo: no problem buddy!

I waved bye to filbo as he left, I had wanted to go see what the others where doing, I decided to go see what floofty was doing first.

Y/n: hey floofty!

Floofty: what do you want.

Y/n: I wanted to know what you where doing.

Floofty: I'm trying to see what bugsnax's can do and if I can make it into a medicine.

Y/n: come on! It's the start of summer you should be having fun not working!

Floofty: I'm not the type to enjoy summer y/n.

Y/n: come on floofty, give it a try!

Floofty: if I give it a try later will you leave me alone y/n.

Y/n: yup!

Floofty had sighed.

Floofty: fine.

Y/n: thanks!

I had gave floofty a warm smile then left floofty to continue his work and research,then I went to see what Chandlo and Snorpy where doing

Y/n: hey chandlo and Snorpy!

Chandlo: hey dawg!

Snorpy: hello y/n.

Y/n: so what are you guys doing?

Chandlo: well I was busy helping snorpdawg lift!

Y/n: welp don't let me distract you guys!

I went over to filbo to see what he was doing

Y/n: hey filbo!

Filbo: hey buddy!

Y/n: what are you doing?

Filbo: well I'm actually planning a summer party for tonight, wanna help?

Y/n: hell ya filbo!!

After helping

Y/n: there you go filbo!

Filbo: thanks buddy!

I had ran off while waving bye to filbo just to end up bumping into someone.

Y/n: sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going.

They had gaven me a hand to help me up, it was floofty that I bumped into.

Floofty: it's fine, just pay more attention to where your going y/n.

Y/n: alrighty then.

I had ran over to gramble's barn to play with his bugsnax to end up seeing the bugsnax gone and a broken fence, I decided to go look for gramble to ask if I could help him fix it.

Y/n: hey gramble! Do you want help with your fence?

Gramble had looked worried and sad.

Y/n:what's wrong gramble?

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