Chapter 16 - I love you

Start from the beginning

A teardrop fell from his eyes to Mew's cheek. Gulf cupped his cheeks and kissed him with desperation. He wanted to calm his heart, he wanted to know what his husband was doing to him, he wanted to feel right doing it, he wanted to erase the guilty feeling of kissing another girl and a random boy.

He is kissing him like his life depending on that kiss.

Mew stirred in his sleep when he felt weight on his body and wet on his lips. He opened his eyes and was stunned looking at how Gulf kissing him.

Mew holds him shoulder breaking kiss.

Mew saw tears in his eyes, sadness, frustration in his eyes. His heart clenched looking at the sight.

Mew- "Are you okay? What happened?"

Those words hit somewhere to Gulf.

He holds Mew's wrists, pinned him down and latched his lips again. He wanted to show, he needed this kiss most now. Nonetheless, Mew kissed him back.

More tears trail down on his cheeks. After a minute of kissing, Gulf broke the kiss, placed his head on Mew's chest and Hugged him tightly.

Mew was stunned for a second seeing the scene unfolding in front of his eyes. How aggressively Gulf kissed him and now he is laying on his chest like a baby. He sensed something was wrong.

But one thing Mew knows, that Gulf needs a embrace, he needs assurance and he needs warmth. Mew hugged him back, rubbing soothing circles on his back and whispering sweet words. Soon, Gulf fell asleep on his chest.

Mew sighed. He saw Gulf still in office clothes and tear stains on his cheeks. He placed him on the bed, cleaned him with warm water and wore him fresh clothes. After that, he slides in the duvet, placing him again on his chest and drifting into sleep, not before taking note in mind to ask him what happened in the morning.

In the morning, Mew stirs in his sleep but strangely he doesn't feel heavy on his body. He opened his eyes, Gulf was nowhere to be found. He checked the whole house but to no avail. It's early in the morning at 7am. He called Win then came to know that Gulf had already gone to his office, he is in his own office today.

He guessed, Gulf was avoiding the topic but he was determined to know.

Mew got ready and went to Gulf's office. When he entered inside, Gulf looked up once with a blank face and again immersed in work.

Mew stood in front of him.

Mew- "Gulf, We need to talk."

Gulf- "There is nothing to talk." He said blankly.

Mew came forward and picked Gulf in bridal style.

Gulf- "What the fuck!!!! Mew!! Asshole put me down." He said punching his chest with his kitten fists.

Mew didn't budge.

He strode towards the sofa in the cabin, sat on it and placed Gulf on his lap, facing towards him.

Gulf wiggled to try to escape from his grip. Mew held both his wrist and folded it in Gulf's back, a little twisting with his one hand but not too much to hurt.

Gulf- "You asshole, it's hurting." He cursed him.

Mew rolled his eyes at him, he knew he didn't hold too strongly.

Mew- "Now tell me what happened?"

Gulf looked away.

Mew made him look at him by holding his jaw.

When their eyes met, Mew pulled him by nape for a kiss.

Mew kissed him the way Gulf kissed him last night. After breaking the kiss, he saw tears in Gulf's eyes, he loosened his grip on his wrist and hugged him tightly.

Mew- "What happened baby? Is everything okay?" He asked with a concerned voice.

Gulf- "It's all because of you, asshole. Why are you doing this to me?" He said, punching his back weakly with his tiny fists, tears already rolling down on his cheeks.

Mew broke the hug and looked into his eyes.

Mew- "Me? What did I do?" He asked. He saw how Gulf's nose turned red because of crying.

Gulf- "You did everything, idiot. You always compete with me, always trying to snatch my projects, always trying to trigger me but after a marriage, you turned 180° like a good married person. You didn't sleep around and became loyal to me, teasing me, calling me a wife, making a challenge to become husband and wife but finally you made me your wife. You did make love with me passionately. After that you didn't even tease me, you became fucking saint, you became a good husband but torturing me in every way if possible. Why are you doing all this if you don't have any opinion or love for me?"

Mew wanted to grin ear to ear after listening to Gulf's words. He holds it.

Mew- "Who said, I don't love you?"

Gulf- "That day when I proposed to you to marry me. You rejected me." He said sniffing while wiping his tears.

Mew thought for a second.

Mew- "Ohh, Come on Gulf. That time we were just kids, 10years old kids. You still hold on to that, wait, you start to hate me after that. It's because I rejected you saying we were just kids. That's the reason that you hate me. Oh god!! I didn't know why you hated me so much. I just went with flow, baby."

Gulf looked away 'It's not only the reason' he thought.

Mew cupped his cheeks.

Mew- "Let's past stay in the past. We were kids that time. Now, let's give chance to our marriage."

Gulf- "That time we were kids, now we are adults. Do you love me?" He asked doe eyes which are still holding tears.

Mew placed a kiss on his forehead.

Mew- "I love to be with my childhood friend who was very clingy to me, I would Love to have those silly bickering with my bestfriend again, I would love to spend each and every second with him because I love that kid's annoying nature who can do anything just to be with me. Gulf baby, let's walk together until last. Let's grow together until our hair turns white. Let's laugh together until our teeth fall out because of old age. Let's cry together on each other's shoulders until our sorrow is defeated. Let's love together until our last breath. I love you, baby."

Now, Gulf has become a crying mess. He never knew that his dream would come true. His dream is being with Mew, forever. He nodded while smiling, crying too and hugged him back.

"I love you, Mew. I loved only You in my whole life." He said burying his face on his crook of the neck.


Thank you for reading and voting🙏

I don't know what I wrote in this chapter. Still I hope I conveyed emotions.

Feel free to correct me😊

Love you all❤


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