I walked straight into the room and called for the room service. I placed the order for dinner and soon was headed to bathroom, I seriously needed a shower. I spent a good amount of time scrubbing myself and trying to ease out all the stress.

After a while, I stepped out wearing a towel around my waist and was headed straight to the wardrobe when I heard the sound from outside. "Ouch!! It hurts!!" Pete shouted. I rushed out immediately to check what has happened and found Pete holding his hand. "Pete!!" I shouted and rushed towards him.

"What happened?" I asked while stepping closer and grabbing his hand and examining his finger. It was bleeding. He must have got cut. "Wait here... I'll get the first aid box." I said and then walked towards the drawer and pulled out the first aid kit.

I returned back with the box and made him sit down on the couch. I knelt down in front of him and held his hand and began to clean the wound gently. He hissed as the antiseptic came in contact with the wound. I blew over the wound trying to ease out the discomfort he was feeling. After a while, I covered the wound with bandage.

"Is it hurting?" I asked. "It's fine khrab. It's just paining a bit." He replied. "How did you get hurt?" I inquired. "Err.... I was just checking the showpiece and saw the knives. I touched it and accidentally my finger slipped and got cut." He admitted. "Be careful. Don't hurt yourself." I said while looking at him.

He smiled at me, that smile was a like a comforting act to my heart. Then, I saw his cheeks turning red and slowly the color spreading over his ear and neck. "Pete!! Are you sick?" I asked while checking him. Why is he turning so red?

"Err... N-no khrab... I-I'll just....." he didn't finish and quickly ran to his room. What is wrong with this guy? "Ae khrab, please wear some clothes!!" he shouted from inside. Only then did I realize that I was actually wearing nothing except a towel around my waist. Wait!! Does that mean he was shy? I thought of teasing him.

"Pete, I won't be wearing clothes. It's too hot!! I am thinking of walking around in towel." I said while stepping closer to the door of his room. "How can you be so shameless?" Pete shouted from the other side. "Who is there to see except you. I don't mind you seeing me naked. Besides..... You have already seen most of it." I teased.

"Stop it khrab!! I didn't do anything intentionally. You walked out wearing a towel. I didn't sneak into your room." He complained. "Well.... I don't mind you sneaking into my room. Admit it, you liked it!" I said.

"You!!" he yelled and opened the door while coming out to hit me but then again rushed back inside seeing me still in the same state and shut the door. "Ae, you better wear clothes." He shouted. "Now I won't wear clothes at all." I said. "Fine, I won't come out till you wear clothes." He snapped. "Then I'll roam around naked." I shot back.

"Do what you want." He said and I can hear him walking away from door. It was fun teasing him and I enjoyed it a lot. I walked back to the room and headed straight to the wardrobe. I grabbed some comfortable clothes and wore them before walking out. I was just in time to see the room service arrive.

I gestured her to place everything on the table while I went to call for Pete. "Pete!! Pete!! Dinner is here." I informed. "Don't tease me khrab. I know you are still in towel!! I don't want to see you roaming around naked." He shouted from the other side. I heard the sound of spoon getting dropped to floor and immediately turned around to see the waitress's mouth hanging open.

I cleared my throat trying to gain her attention and she smiled awkwardly as she hurriedly placed everything on the table with her trembling hands. "I'll take your leave sir." She said and immediately rushed out. Now that...... was not what I expected.

"Hey buddy!! The food is already here. Let's dig in!" Can said entering the room. "Thank God you are here. Ask Pete to come for dinner. He is not listening to me." I said. "Oh-kay..... Pete, come out!! Let's have dinner." Can called.

After sometime the knob was turned and the door slightly opened. Then one head popped out and checked the surrounding. "See, I am wearing clothes, you can come out now." I said. Pete then let go off the door and finally stepped out.

"What do you mean by wearing clothes?" Can asked with an accusing tone. "I'll explain you later. Let's just have food. I am tired." I said changing the topic and walking towards the dining table. The other two soon followed after not getting anymore reply from me.

The dinner was fun because after lot many days, I ate with someone who actually liked being with me for who I was and not for what I owned. After dinner, I went to give a quick call to room service while Pete and Can continued to talk. They seemed to get well along each other.

When I returned I saw Pete looking attentively at Can who was talking as if he was narrating some horrific experience. What are this two up to? "Can, what are you talking about?" I asked. Just then, the door opened and the waitress walked in to carry the plates. She placed everything in the tray and then walked out after greeting us good night.

"Ae, I should get going. It's already late. Have a nice sleep. And Pete, be careful. Okay?" Can said. I can see Pete's face turn almost pale. Can left after winking at me and I was left confused thinking what he was playing.

"Ae, d-do you believe in ghost?" Pete asked out of nowhere. "Ghost? Why did you suddenly remember ghost?" I asked. "Nothing khrab.... I-I'll go to sleep." He said and then walked towards his bedroom while stumbling over something. What is wrong with him? Did Can give him alcohol?

I returned back to my room and moved to remove my t-shirt. I preferred sleeping without t-shirt. I threw it aside and then lay on bed. Soon, I was asleep. The hours drive had consumed most of my energy. I needed a good sleep to start afresh.

It had just been a while and the door of my bedroom was opened and suddenly someone jumped on me. I quickly opened my eyes and tried to reach for the night lamp. I turned it on and looked at the person only to find Pete looking really scared.

"Pete, what happened?" I asked in worry. He held on to me tightly while he spoke, "G-ghost!!! There is a ghost in my room." He said and began to tremble. Ghost? "Okay... Let me check. You stay here." I said while trying to get up.

"NO!! Please don't go. I am scared. That ghost might eat you." He said. I can see that he was really scared. My heart didn't want to leave him in this state. "Okay... But what do you want me to do?" I asked. "Can I sleep with you? I don't want to sleep alone. I am scared of ghosts." He said. "Okay.... You can sleep." I said while moving a bit and making space for him. It was a big bed and more than enough to fit two people.

Pete moved a bit and lay beside me. His one hand was holding mine as he curled up into a ball. Was this the same person who said that he knew karate? Nevertheless, I still liked this wild cat....

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