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Repeatedly, Thomas clenched and unclenched his hands, a habit when he couldn't think clearly. He leaned over the bar and layed his head in his hands. He had no choice now but to work in the coal mines. If this is what it took to be a man, he would have to do it. To work in conditions where it could cause you blindness and poison your lungs, why would any man chose to work in such darkness that screamed death. People were desperate, that was why. The depression hit and it had effected everyone including his family.

"Mate you sure are down tonight, what's up?" Nick nudged him on the shoulder and leaned against the wooden bar. Thomas continued to clench his hands and kept silent. "Your not talkative tonight eh. Come on at least let loose for a bit. This is the last time we'd be gettin' together so get off your ass and-"

Tomas couldn't take anymore of Nick's talk and slumped off his stool "fine fine I'm up"

"That's the spirit" Nick jumped in front of him and gave him a toothy grin.

"Shut up, I ain't cheery and you ain't helpin'"

"Na, I'm not hearing any of that talk Tommy, now come and help me find a lovely doll to dance with. You are the one that girls swoon over after all. So help me will ya" despite Thomas' poor mood, he managed to smile. Nick always found ways to lighten him up.

They both approached a group of girls who sat around a dark wooden table and immediately grew silent.

"Work your charm Tommy" Nick whispered.

"Indeed I will" Thomas raised his eyebrows add smiled a smile that would make any girl fall to their knees. He could already see the girls cheeks redden and began to giggle. To add to the effect he bowed down with his hand out in front. "I know this may seem to straight forward but my friend and I are in need of a partner to dance with and you my ladies, have such natural beauty it would be a pleasure to be able to dance with any of you" he seemed to go a little to far as one of the girls had fainted into another girls lap. All the girls stared at him with wide shocked eyes and he had enough experience to know that he had nailed it yet again.

"Y-yes we would love to but it wouldn't be fair if only one of us could dance with you" a girl with dark blonde hair stuttered.

"Oh I forgot to mention that I do have many other men who would also love to dance with you all. They are all over there near the bar and don't worry they are all well behaved"

The girls squealed with excitement and all fought about who would first dance with him. Nick whistled for the rest of his mates to come and see the excitement.

"Your mine" the girl with blonde hair chirped as she dragged Thomas onto the dance floor. Indeed she was confident and he loved that in a girl but she did not pick him fancy. And she was a sight to see, with all the right curves and small cute face. She moved gracefully along the dance floor as he twirled and dipped her again and again.

"You're quite a dancer" Thomas purred into her ear as she leaned backward. He pulled her back up and pulled her into his chest.

"You're not so bad yourself" the song stopped and he gently let go of her. Her face immediately fell "oh how I wish there were more men like you. We must dance again"

"We must, but for now we shall part ways, for I do hold onto my promises even if that is to dance with every one of you beautiful young ladies" Thomas bowed yet again and caused her to blush deeply. Thomas moved away swiftly and reached for Nick who was dancing with another young girl "I think you have to say something to me"

"Can't you see I'm a little busy"

"Oh I think this is more important"

"You bastard"

"I'm waiting"

"Oh fine, thanks Tommy for your charming charms and all. Is that good enough" Nick eyes widened, warning for Thomas to back off.

"For now" Thomas chuckled before sliding away and searched for his next partner. For now, he thought. For now this enjoyment will only last these remaining hours until reality would have to hit him again.

When Thomas Blayton arrived at his house, the lights were out and the night was past midnight. He leaned onto the white picket fence, as he tried to calm his unsteady balance and the heaviness of his head. To much to drink, he thought. He swayed his way up to the front porch where the moon shone against the pale yellow weather board walls. Reaching the door, Thomas removed his shoes with his feet and crept through the door nearly tripping over in the process. The room was dark except for the open window in the kitchen that let the moonlight stream through and reflect onto his mother who was lying on the sofa. Fragile, Thomas thought. Anne lay still and silent with a rug wrapped messily around her legs. She was a small woman with long brown hair and deep grey eyes. She was a quiet being, did everything in silence. From cooking to gardening and washing. But when she did speak, she sounded like an angel and sometimes her words could cut people deep, like what she did to Thomas. "Thomas, your father is right, he is a good man, listen to him. It's time to face the world dear" he knew she was right, his father was a good man. She was right that it was time to face the world, and that is why he went out into the night and became drunk. Why was he so scared for? he wasn't ready to become a real man.

Thomas looked at his mother guiltily. She had attempted to stay up and wait for him but tiredness must have taken over her. With sunken eyes, Thomas crouched over his mother and pulled the rug up to her chin. "Goodnight mother" he kissed her on the forehead and backed out from the living room and headed for his room.

There he lay on his bed, wide eyed, unable to sleep. Thomas tossed and turned, in a few more hours he would be headin' towards the coal mines. Tomorrow there would be consequences for his recklessness but now he only focused on clenching his hands together and trying to get some sleep. Thomas eventually fell asleep but with blue icy eyes staring right into him.


Ok so I really like this story I'm writing now so is will be my main story to write not chasing hunter. I think I'm getting emotionally attached to my characters yet again, like I always do. Happy reading!

The Physical Figment Of Thomas Blayton's ImaginationWhere stories live. Discover now