Partnerz in (fighting)crime

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(Anne pov)
Anne returns home still starstruck, holding onto Marcy's umbrella like holding on dear life. By now, she had already pinched and slapped herself multiple times-- but that didnt help at all. Instead, it made matters worse-- her face is now both HOT and PAINFUL.
She yells, 'im home!' to her parents at the restraurant's backroom before quickly dashing upwards to their living area.
The family restaurant, named 'Thai Go', is filled with a myriad of customers as usual. Her parents were lucky enough to buy this place along with the living place above it on an discount-- it is a hot spot in town, plus the family dont have to drive to work. Annes school is also pretty near.
Anne did not want to be caught by her parents like this- she havent come out to them yet, so they would probably ask if there was a boy- and that would be a VERY awkward conversation.
She accidently slams her room's door shut too hard, and cringes at herself, panicking that her parents might notice and ask whats wrong. She pokes her head out of the door, and calls out: 'OH WOW TODAY'S WINDS ARE REALLY STRONG!'
Anne painstakingly closes her door, wincing at the creak it made. 
'PHEW' She sighs, slumping down against her door. She flings her backpack off, and jumps onto her bed, causing a few plushies to fly into a sky for a moment- then crash down on her. Anne yawns, hugging her largest plushie- a red frog- tightly. 'maybe i can sleep all this away' she thinks.
Just before she secumbs to the fluffiness of her bed, she spots something bright red in the corner of her eyes.
'weird, im pretty sure this wasnt here before... ' she thinks, her mind still filled with Marcy. She lazily push her plushies away, and sat up. not unlike a boneless slug, she slides off of the bed.
God even her name is so cute... 'Marcy..' Anne says, testing the name, and blushing even harder. She walks clumsily towards the red thing, only to get distracted by the thousands of scenarios blossoming in her mind, and giggles drunkly.
Anne forgets what she was doing and was suprised to find herself infront of her desk...
She takes it up, tossing it from hand to hand, and knocking it as if testing a fruit the way her mom taught her.
maybe mom put this here... OR maybe its a gift from Marcy. 'he...he...' she smiles, completely smitten.
Then snaps back to reality: Yea no theres no way. Anne thinks, she doesnt even know where i live!
Tired of investigating and just wanting to get this over with,  Anne finally opens the little box.
blinding red light bursts out of it, like water overflowing. Anne covers her eyes with her arm instinctively 'WAHT THE-'
A small creature floats up as the red light disperses. 'finally! u took so long!' She stretches her little feet and arms, observing her suroundings optimisticly.
'AHH!' Anne screams, panicked, 'A RAT! A FLYING, TALKING, RED PROBRABLY-NOT-RAT!'
the creature flies towards her, trying to calm her down, only for Anne to fling her away like a fly 'HEY! THATS RUDE!' the creature squeaks angrily as she lands roughly on the floor.
Anne quickly takes an empty glass on her desk, and slams in onto the creature. Trapping it.
'You can talk?!?!? What even are you..?' Anne wonders aloud as she pushes the glass down as hard as she can. observing the energetic little creature as it tries to push upwards.
'i am a kwami. my name is Tikki, I'm the kwami of creation and ladybug!' the creature squeaks, no longer resisting. She places her tiny hands against the glass, looking at anne.
'whats a guami?'
'KWA-MI. as in K-W-A-M-I' the creature explains, 'i can grant you powers, and make you a ladybug-themed superhero!'
'what??' Anne says, releasing Tikki from the cup, as she realises she means no harm ' but.. why me?? im just a ordinary town person.'
'the guardian of miraculouses had gifted you my earrings. the guardian is a wise men, he mustve chosen you for a reason. '
'wait- your earrings?'
'yea!' tikki says, flying back to the box and pointing at the two black earrings inside, 'wear this and say TIKKI SPOTS ON and you'll transform! Theres a new villian in town- Darkmoth- you and your partners must defeat them!'
'but i dont even have ear piercings! how would i put it on?'
'oh dont worry about that, theyre clip ons lol'
'ohh.' Anne clips on the earrings, slightly embarrased, 'u said i have partners? where are they?'
'soon, you will meet on the battleground. btw, dont tell anyone- even your partners your true identity okay? Darkmoth might get to you that way. Every other thing u need to know will be transferred into your head as soon as u transform.'
'ohh. wow this is alot to take in'
just then, a crashing sound catches both of their attention.
'that must be a villian! Let's go!' Tikki says
'everything will be fine,' Tikki reasures, 'NOW COME ON! WE GOT A TOWN TO SAFE!'
nothing happened
'spots on, Anne.' Tikki says, breaking the awkward silence, 'S-P-O-T-S'
'oh...sorry sorry', Anne mutters, 'TIKKI SPOTS ON!'
(stingetta/sasha pov)
The sky darkens as a spot of yellow shoots past the city's sky in search of the villian.
After awhile, she lands ontop of a building clumsily, still not used to the wings which came with the suit. The heroine was clasps from neck to toe in a stripped yellow fabric which fits perfectly to her skin. Her head was completely exposed except for a yellow eyemask, which reveals bright amber eyes beneath. Her golden blonde hair was tied up into a neat bun, except for a few stray ones which fell out during the flight.
she sighs, looking around: the sky was getting unusually hazy-- there must be a heavy raincloud approaching. She should locate the villian soon. When she was about to take off, a voice behind her calls out.
'so, you must be my partner!'
She turns around, to see another girl in a costume simillar to her's approaching, except her's was full black.
Her hair was tied into a long French-braid, reaching her feet. It swings around like a pendelum along with her tail, which seems to be a leather belt tied to her waist. Her face was also hidden behind an eye-mask, a pair of mysterious emerald eyes shining from within.
'hello' Sasha greets the newcomer, smiling warmly, 'you must be the black-cat heroine.'
'its that obvious ,huh?' the girl jokes, tilting her head to a side like a cat, 'and you must be ms.bee'
Sasha nods in response, raising her hand to show the other girl the venom-ball-- her weapon. The girl does the same-- extending her silver stick up into the sky.
'so, do u have a hero name yet? i think its best we have-- with all the fuss about secrete identities and such' Sasha questions, sitting down at the side of the roof with her legs dangling down, and inviting the other girl to take a seat beside her.
'huh, i havent thought about that!', she says cheerfully, sitting down,' hmm what about Heimao? Its black cat in chinese.'
You like that?' She winks mischieviouslt, resting her head elegantly on her stick as she turns to face Sasha.
'its pretty good', Sasha answers, ignoring the wink. Damn, she thinks, those eyes are magnificent. 
'i probably dont know you in real life,' the cat rambles on flirtatiously, 'but if i did im pretty sure you'd be the eye of my apple'
'oh um... thanks..?' Sasha stutters, completely caught off guard and blushing a little. she did not expect this when Pollen told her about her partners...
Sasha realised she liked girls when she was 9 years old. That was the first time she had met HER. 
She went into a stage of denial at first-- knowing that her father dispises this behaviour and considers it a sin-- and avoided the girl the best she could. 
Despite her effort, she couldnt repress her feelings for the girl-- and so she makes herself as hatable as possible. She seccumbs into her family's stupid propagandas and ignorant point of view in hopes that the girl would avoid her instead.
But time and time again, Sasha couldnt help but approach the girl... she even--
'what about you, lovely lady?' Heimao's voice brings Sasha, who was deep in thoughts, back to reality.
'uhhh... what?' 
'whats your hero name' she teases, chucking, 'wow that Daydream mustve been real good'
'Stingetta. cause, u know, i have a stinger' Sasha answers, showing Heimao the weapon again, her face heating up a little due to embarrasement. mostly.
she needs to stop falling for girls just because they're confident, Sasha scolds herself
'cool.', Heimao continues,' i wonder who our other partner is. i heard shes the ladybug, i bet her suit would be flaming-hot' said the cat, eyes twinkling.
Stingetta rolls her eyes fondly. 
An idea pops into her mind suddenly, and she smiles.
Heroes can never date... cause of all the secrete identity issues.... 
so what if, Sasha thinks, I let myslef fall for Heimao, to distract from- the girl? 
She's definitely better than the boys her father 'introduced' her to... plus then she would finally be able to test out if she actually likes girls...
Theres no way she likes me, im a total stranger! so it would cause me no harm...
(heimao/marcy pov)
A read figure suddenly falls from the sky in alarming speed. 'aaaAAAAHHH' 
'What the-' Heimao mutters as the scream gets louder and louder- 
'OUCH' she yelled as she got completely flattened by the girl landing on her. Her back snaps at the sudden increase of weight, and Heimao hisses in pain.
'OOPS SORRY!' the red lady quickly steps off of her, but accidently steps on Heimao's belt-tail and falls on her again.
Stingetta stands at a side, laughing at this, 'PFTT, GOD YOU'RE REALLY CLUMSY!"
'sorry hehe. i promise it wont happen again...' the newcomer says, embarassed as she stands up again.
She extends her hand to Heimao, whom accepts it, and pulls her up. 
'no- no! I didnt mean it as an insult. i just thought it was funny cuz Heimao got pancaked.' Stingetta clarifies quickly.
The cat sticks her tongue out at Stingetta, rubbing her sore back, then turned back to the red figure- observing her with a mischievious smile plastered on her face.
The girl's suit seemed to be made of the same material as the other two's. except it was red with black pokka dots. Her eye mask was in the same pattern, making her warm brown eyes stand out against the red. Her curly hair were tied up into a short ponytail, a few stray curls crowns around her face. 
'so,' Heimao starts, green eyes sparkling as if she discovered a brand new species 'you must be the ladybug herione. Whats your name, lovebug?'
'first time seeing me and already in love huh?' The lady says teasingly. Heimao is taken aback, but she liked it. Oooh, shes bold, marcy thinks, smilling to herself. This will be fun
'as for my name... well, i havent come up with one yet... what are you guy's name??'
'Heimao, meaning black cat in chinese' she says proudly
'Stingetta, uh cuz im the bee herione'
'hmm. well then, i shall be teathong-girl! its means ladybug-girl in thai. yall can just call me Tea tho, as a nickname' 
'NO FAIR! COPY CAT' Heimao pouts at Tea. She tought HER name was witty.
'i thought YOU were the cat here' Tea snaps back playfully. Earning another mischievious smile from Heimao
'oh god, am i the only unsalted white girl here' Stingetta says jokingly, causing the other two to laugh. 
just then, a crash sounded somewhere to the east. 
'That must be the akumatised villian!' tea shouts to the other two, 'come on!'
'she really is something else' Heimao mutters to herself, her eyes tracing Tea as she jumps off the building and swings to another.
'Huh? what did u say?' Stingetta asked
'oh, its nothing' Heimao flipped her wrist dismissively (gayly), then jumped off the building, 'lets go, we've got a villian to fight'
(teathong-girl/Anne pov)
She enjoyed talking with her partners, but they had work to do. she thinks as she attaches her yoyo to various buildings and swings across them.
I'm like a ladybug version of Spiderman! Thats so frogging cool! Tea thinks, smiling at herself proudly. Shes starting to get the hang of this.
Finally, she spots the villian- it was a middle-age guy with a grey mask and orange beak. he had feathers all over his body, and a dozen pigeons behind him- flanking him like theyre his personal army.
'what the frog is that THING?' Heimao says incredulously, jumping down beside Tea.
'dont be like that, kitty, maybe he had a really bad day' Stingetta answers before Tea could even open her mouth to retort, landing down on her other side.
'in any case, he's definitely is the villian, so, lets go finish this' Tea chimes in, swinging her yoyo threateningly at the villian. 
'thats so sweet of stingetta, caring about other people's feelings' Tea thinks, smiling at the bee-herione. She wishes a certain someone in her life could be like her.
'oh god,' Tea mutters, 'whoever made him must be having a bad day too' earning chuckles from the others. 
Mr.pigeon finally spots the three heroes, and turns towards them, 'ah. you must be the superheroes DarkMoth told me about! hand me your miraculouses, before things get messy'  he says, smiling wickedly at them. His red eyes scanning them earnestly.
'As if we fear you!' Tea snaps back, 'If you want our miraculouses, youll have to defeat us first!'
The three of them jumps up into the sky, blocking the weak sun for a moment, then shoots towards Mr.Pigeon. 
'Take that!' Stingetta shouts as she lands kicks and punches on Mr.pigeon, flying away from spots to spots, being so quick that he could not even touch her. much less predict her next move. Tea helps her out by using her yoyo strings to limit the villian's movement.
Heimao, meanwhile, is standing tall on her extended stick. She pounces at the villian and scrathches him with her claws mercilessly. 'Whats wrong? afraid of a little kitty??'
'As if' the villian chuckles, then began whistling sharply, ' MY BABIES, COME TO ME!'
It was as if the pigeons from all over LA has gathered from his call-- the sky could barely be seen as the birds swarm towards their master.
'who's scared of who now?' Mr.pigeon teases, smiling as Heimao stares at the birds in shock.
'RETREAT, RETREAT!' Tea commands, trying her hardest to keep the pigeons at bay by swinging her yoyo at them, 'THERES TOO MANY OF THEM'
the three heroes quickly escapes the scene, landing on a building nearby. It was the perfect place-- it was far enough that Mr.pigeon wouldnt find them, but they'll have a clear view of the villian from here.
'are you two okay?' Tea asks, as she notices the little slashes on their bodies. She looks down, and notices the same thing on herself. Their suits didnt tear, but they seemed to be bleeding a little underneath.
'yea' they answer
'we need to think of a plan-- fighting blindly like this wont work-- plus we are still not really good at this' Stingetta says.
'yes. but we have to find a way to fix these' Heimao suggests, pointing at the scars, ' first. im pretty sure its bleeding underneath and thats NOT good'
'okay.' Tea says, nodding to herself, 'I'll go get us some bandages from a Pharmarcy nearby... We can distransform behind each of those 3 walls and take care of the injuries...'
As soon as the other two nods back, Tea takes off with her yoyo. She quickly gathered the bandages, leaving the money on the shelves, then returned to their hidding spot.
When she returned, the other two had already chosen a wall to distranaform behind. 
'Heres the bandages' Tea mutters, placing it on the edge of each wall, being careful to not accidently see who's behind it.
'thanks' Stringetta mutters, extending a pale white hand to take the bandages. Tea notices that she sounds different than before, and somehow a little fammiliar...
Heimao, who takes the bandages silently, notices the same. 'wow, our voices mustve been altered by the miraculouses when we transform!'
Tea notes that Heimao's voice sounds fammiliar too, but didnt think of it much and distransformed behind a wall too.
'wow, thats actually so cool' Stingetta answers nervously, 'and uh, Heimao, do i know you? u sound kinda fammiliar..'
'uhh' Heimao says, 'well i dont know who you are, but u sound fammiliar too...'
'hey!' Tea scolds, ' we're not supposed to figure out each other's identities remember??'
'but you both sounds familiar to me, too' she adds.
'maybe yall heard me from advertisements or something-- im actually pretty famous hehe' Heimao says, finishing up and transforming back.
'yea, im actually pretty famous too..' Stingetta chimes in, transforming back and stepping out of her wall.
'must be why u two sounded fammiliar..' Tea says, joining back the other two, 'Anyways, we should focus on the battle-- any plans?'
'oh i have one,' Heimao gigles mischiviously, ' and mr.birdie will regret ever teasing me...'
the heroes returns to the battle field more confident than before.
'oh i see you three are back!' Mr.pigeon says in mocking cheerfullness, 'handing over your miraculouses??' He lands infront of them, spreading open his palms.
'In your dreams!' Tea yells, 'MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!'
a rope patterned simillarly to Tea's suit falls into her hands, and she began scanning her surroundings to brainstorm how it should be used...
Heimao pounces on Mr.pigeon without a second thought, screaming, 'CATACALYSM!!!'
Heimao lands on the villian, pancaking him. She aims her hands at the whistle in his hands, but he was struggling to much. Mr.pigeon tries raise his hand to place the whistle at his mouth and summon his army, but realises he couldnt move-
'not so fast' Tea says. She had tied the strings around his body while Heimao was distracting him, 'Stingetta, your turn!'
'my pleasure!' Stingetta smiles, 'VENOM!!'
Stingetta injects Mr.Pigeon with her sting, aiming at his hips. The villian is paralysed immediately.
'end this!' Stingetta signals at Heimao.
Heimao smiles, and touches the whistle with her hands. It crumples to dust immeadiately, releasing a purple butterfly.
'That must be the Akuma!' Heimao says excitedly.
'Yea! This means-' Stingetta starts
'WE WON!!' Heimao shouts hapilly, cutting her off
'-- steal my thunder, would you?' stingetta smiles.
they watch as Mr.pigeon loses his feathers and beaks and transform back to his original self.
'Its not done yet.' Tea says, untying the paralysed citizen, 'Theres one thing left to do...'
'Miraculous Ladybug!' Tea shouts, throwing the string upwards into the sky, where it dispersed into a cloud of pink glitters, spreading across the city and fixing everything in its path.
'Wow-wee!' Heimao exclaims, her mouth hanging wide open.
'That is FROGGING AMAZING!' stingetta gasps, watching a car Mr.Pigeon broke earlier return to its original state, 'ill love to see how Darkmoth can defeat us with a power like that on our side.
Tea blushes a little at her partner's compliments. but chooses to stay focused on work.
'not so fast.' Tea says, pointing at the akuma flying away. She swings her yoyo towards it, and catches it.
'No more evil doing for you, little akuma!' Tea smiles, retracting her yoyo.
'Time to De-evilise!' 
The yoyo purifies the butterfly, and when it is released, it was white.
'bye bye, little butterfly' Tea mutters lovingly as the butterfly flies away.
(tea pov)
'THAT WAS FROGGING AMAZING, BUGABOO' Heimao yells, running over to her.
'i have to agree, that was AWESOME!' Stingetta chimes in, patting teas shoulders.
'thanks guys! yall helped out a bunch too!' Tea smiles, looking at both of them. 
They each offered a smile back, getting ready to disperse and distransform... 
'CITIZENS OF L.A.!' a sound roars through the whole town. Tea clutches both of her partners wrists, and gave them a look of, 'we needa go check this out'
Tea locates the sound with her yoyo, 'THEYRE AT THE HOLLYWOOD SIGN!'
the three of them immediately went into action: leaping, swinging and flying across buildings to the destination.
'what is he talking about... strengh and weaknesses??' Heimao mutters, 'do u think they could really...'
Heimaos unsaid words hung heavily in the air. Tea feels herslef wondering the same thing- should they give up now, or risk the town and the citizens...
Stingetta places both her hands on Tea's shoulders, 'Tea, dont give in.'
Tea looks up at Stingettas confident face, right into her kind amber eyes, ' but... the people's lives...', she mutters doubtfully.
'Tea' Stingetta asserts more firmly, ' Do u really believe they would stop the attack once we give our miraculouses?? Why does he want them in the first place?? Should we really trust them to keep his side of the bargain? What if they start attacking again? We wont be able to help'
Tea looks down, uncertain in her own powers: could she really help? or would she just make the matters worse?
'Teathong-girl. You can do this. We- me, heimao, and all of LA has seen what you could do! We trust you.' Stingetta says, lifting Tea's chin up to look into her eyes, 'LA needs you, Tea.'
A thunder strikes in the background, lighting up both their faces for a second as Tea looks into Stingetta's eyes. In it she sees only one thing- sincerity. 
Tea cant help but blush a little.
She walks towards the cloud of dark butterflies, and calls out:
Heimao jumps down from a building above, to stand on the left of Tea, and yells:
Finaly, Stingetta joins them, landing to the right of Tea:
Tea look at her partners gratefully. The others recipocated by placing a hand on each of her shoulders, as if giving her their courage and trust. it was as if those traits flowed into her through their arms, powering her up. Tea feels stronger-- no, UNBEATABLE-- with them. She smiles confidently.
'VERY WELL' Darkmoths voice rang out coldly, 'YOU WILL REGRET YOUR CHOICE. LA SHALL BE IN RUINS'
'we will make sure that never happens' Tea swore. She promise this not only to herself and her partners, but also all of LA. She glances confidently at the news helicopters in the sky, making sure they filmed the oath.
slowly but surely, the butterflies, along with dark clouds disperses. Tea, Heimao, and Stingetta watches along with the rest of LA as the Sun reapears shining brighter than ever in the baby blue sky.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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