Loves perfect bliss

Start from the beginning

"Your uncle can drive us and we can arrive in style." She giggled. "You did get the blue tie, like I told you!" She giggled. "We are going to match and everyone will see that you are my boyfriend!"

"Petra, I'm not your boyfriend!" Levi declared.

"Yes you are!" Petra cried. Levi had pulled away from her.

"I am not your boyfriend. I am not taking you to the dance tonight. And, I don't even know if I want to be your friend any more. You are mean and self centered. You can't see that other people have their own free will." He cried. "Just leave me alone."

Petra laying on the couch began to cry again. "He ran off, leaving me there alone, just took off!" she cried. "I had to walk home alone!" Petra explained how she went to the dance but they wouldn't let her in because she didn't have a ticket. She tried telling them that Levi bought her one and that he was already inside. She just needed to go get it from him. It was the girls Soccer team that was putting on the dance. Isabel marched up to Petra telling her Levi didn't buy any tickets, that the boys team got in free because of all their hard work. Isabel made the female soccer coach chase Petra away.

"It was unfair!" Petra cried. "He was my boyfriend and she stole him!" She wailed punching the back of the couch in her anger.

"That upset you didn't it?" Hange asked.

"Of course it did." Petra huffed.

"You wanted revenge?" Hange guessed.

"Yes, Levi was mine, no one was going to take him from me!" Petra wailed.

"What did you do?" Hange asked.

"I went home. I spent the night looking through my families spell books. I come from a long line of witches." She smiled proudly.

"That was how you found the one to turn Levi into a cat?" Hange asked.

"Why would I want to turn Levi into a cat?" Petra frowned. "I wanted to make him love me. We were going to go to high-school together, get married, have beautiful dark haired babies with my blue eyes. They would be so cute. Levi was going to be mine forever!" Petra smiled happily

"So, the spell you found for Levi, was a love spell?" Hange asked.

"Yes. It would bind the person to the caster for life." Petra sighed smiling happily.

"Tell me what happened when you found the spell?" Hange asked.

"It was warm in the attic, so I had opened the window. I was flipping through one of the older books. That's when I found it, the perfect spell! It didn't take much to cast! I knew I could do it." She beamed. "I was copying down the ingredients I needed when I heard Levi outside. I set the book down."

"Where, where did you place the book?" Hange asked.

"On the window sill." I leaned out to see Levi outside. He was with one of his soccer teammates. They were by the gate to the community. I saw the friend walk away. See my house was really tall and in the attic I could see the town from the windows." Petra smirked.

"After you saw Levi...?" Hange pressed.

"I watched him go to his house. The wind was messing up my hair. I went back to the book. I wrote down the rest of the spell." She said.

"When you went back to the book, did you check that it was the same spell?" Hange asked.

"Why wouldn't it be? It's not like spells change once written." Petra laughed.

"Petra, as your coping down the last part of the spell, look at the top of the page, what is the name of the spell?" Hange asked.

"The consciousness of a familiar." Petra read.

"Petra, go back to before you heard Levi outside." Hange instructed.

"mmm" Petra smiled.

"Read the name of the spell you are copying." She ordered.

"Love's perfect bliss." Petra said. Levi gasped.

"You idiot!" He cried.

"Hush!" Hange yelled.

"Petra you didn't hear that. Everything is fine. Now read us the spell you wrote down." Petra recited the spell. Moblit nodded once he got it down perfectly. Hange began to wake Petra up. Levi stormed out to the kitchen.

"I can't believe how irresponsible, stupid idiotic...!!!" He cried. Eren caught his falling hands. He wrapped his longer arms around him, pulling Levi's back to his chest.

"Jealousy can do weird things, I guess." He said. He kissed Levi's temple. "At least we have the spell now." He offered.

"Yeah, I suppose." Levi slumped in the taller boys arms. Eren turned him around so they were facing each other. He lifted the slightly pointed chin up. Bending he pressed their lips together. Levi wrapped his arms around his neck pressing his body into the warm chest.

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