Loves perfect bliss

Start from the beginning

"Of course not. He just knew, like everyone knew!" she cried. The school year went on, Levi became more and more sullen. He hardly spoke to anyone. Isabel appeared to have made other friends. Levi wouldn't speak to anyone for days at a time.

"Anyone but me. That was." Petra beamed from her position on the couch. Eren glanced over at Levi's face. He huffed but didn't say anything. Eren took his hand in his much larger one.

"You didn't think this was normal, did you?" Hange asked Petra.

"It was perfect. Levi was mine and mine alone. He didn't need anyone else. He was sick the night of the school dance, so we didn't go that year." Petra pouted. In fact they didn't go to any school functions outside of school that first year.

"The next year Levi got into Soccer. He was really good. Very aggressive. He began to make friends on the team." Petra pouted. "That was fine. People started to notice me too. I became a fashion icon of the school. I mean I was dating the star Soccer player. I went to all of his games!" She beamed. "I even sat on the bleachers during his practices so we could walk home together every night. We did our homework together too." She grinned.

"I see." Hange glanced over to Moblit. He was recording the session. He gave her a thumbs up.

"But, then there came the dance, Levi did go to?" Hange asked.

"Yes. He went with his Soccer friends. I didn't know he was going. He didn't tell me. I went with some of my female friends. Isabel was there. She found Levi and they were talking in the corner. He was laughing with her." Petra folded her arms across her chest.

"What kind of dance was this?" Hange asked.

"Oh, it wasn't a special one. But when Levi and his friends went outside to kick the ball around I confronted Isabel. I told her to stay away from Levi that I was his girlfriend. She laughed in my face." A tear leaked out from Petra's closed eyes.

"She told me I didn't know the real Levi, that all I knew was a made up version I created in my head. She called me delusional, telling me Levi didn't love me and that I wasn't his girlfriend." Petra cried a little.

"I said she wasn't his girlfriend and she needed to leave him alone. She rolled her pretty blue eyes telling me she knew she wasn't Levi's girlfriend. They were just friends." She walked away. "See, I had won. I stood up for my Levi and I won!" Petra declared.

"A month or so later the Soccer team made headlines by getting into the state championships! It was a huge deal. They had a massive parade and welcoming barbecue for the team. Of course I went with Levi. It didn't matter that he had to spend so much of his time with his teammates, I mean the whole thing was for the team. A week later they had a dance at the school for the team. It was a special dance and you had to buy tickets and dress up real nice. The money from the tickets were going to help support the team in the championships." Petra explained.

"The day before the dance, in school I saw Levi talking with Isabel again. I marched up to him demanding to know what her problem was!" Petra huffed.

"I told her we had this discussion and she was to leave my Levi alone! Levi looked at me like I did something wrong. He, he..." She sniffled. "He yelled at me. He said all I did was make his life harder and that he and Isabel were friends and I had to deal with that!" Petra wailed. "The whole school heard him yell at me. I refused to sit with him at lunch, just to show him. He sat with Isabel and the Soccer team. I didn't know that Isabel was on the girls Soccer team." Petra pouted.

After school that day Petra waited for Levi. There wasn't practice since the dance was that night. When Levi came out to walk home with her, Petra asked him when he was going to pick her up for the dance.

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