Chapter Six: Welcome

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Tigger Warning: Torture, and threats of rape.

Catherine is sitting upon a baroque style bed of gold. Her legs crossed, and her robe gracefully spread around her.
      "Had you listen to reason dear husband I would have not had to result to such extreme methods " Catherine said.  
     "Your reason brings the pestilence upon us." 049 spat at her.
      "Still you will not accept it! You are not but powerless to stop it! You think she makes a difference?" Catherine laughed. "Your cure is but a dream, one you have suffered for." She stands approaching us slowly. "Are you not tired Doctor? Do you not wish to leave behind these people whom have imprisoned you?" 049 is not persuaded and merely laughs dryly.
          "Hope is what drives me." 049 replied, "and certainty." He squeezes your hand tightly, as you take his arm.
      "That feeble minded hope you cling to is unbecoming of your intelligence." Catherine answered coldly. She walks away toward a golden framed painting. Gazing at it your head throbs, it is a black and red mass of smeared paint. Eyes, so many eyes peer out of the mess forming shadows that crawl along the walls. The sound of chains grating on each other seems to whisper from it. Then the smell of blood and carange tickles your nose.
       "049." You whisper. He forcefully turns your face to his,
       "Do not allow your eyes to linger." He says sternly. You nodded and allow them to wonder instead. The lavishly decorated room was positively absurd. Fine fabrics and lush soft carpet, hand carved elabrate furniture with gold leaf. There was so many deep varied shades of red. This room, this place was completely wrong. Suddenly someone grabs your arm ripping you away from 049 and pushes you onto a soft bed.
       "Be a good girl darling and let me bind those beautiful hands of yours." A man whispers in your ear. Your elbow swings behind you a sickening crunch greeting the contact. You manage to land a hard blow to his chest, causing him to double over in pain.
049 slashes his attacker with clinical accuracy, the men is dead before he hits the floor. The doctor moves with incredibly speed toward you causing the remaining men to back away as they realize how out matched they are.
         "Do not touch her!" 049 barked. His body was now infront of you preventing futher assault. The soldiers though protected by hazmat gear were clearly unerved.
        "I warned you she would fight." Catherine said shaking her head. "You all may leave, you have proven your uselessness."  The men obey leaving you both alone with her. "Now dear husband you are here to aid me. You will take up your rightful place and complete your original task. As it should have always been." She said her voice now upbeat.
       "I refuse." 049 replied simply.
       "Very well if you wish to be difficult then your beloved will pay the price for it." Catherine said.
        "I will pay it then! For he is the cure." You say firmly placing a hand on 049 shoulder. You stand beside him head held high.
       "Foolish girl!" Catherine yelled. "So proud of him are you! We shall see if it contuines once you have had a taste of true angoy!"
       "Now, now Catherine raised voices are not needed." A man said. "So we finally meet Ms.Crow."
        "Doctor Crow." 049 corrected.
        "Of course." He replied with smirk. "Dr. Montauk at your service." His bow was polite his stance passive, yet you knew it was farce. He wanted you to drop your gaurd, to underestimate him. His neat red suit however almost seemed to be moving of its own accord. Like it was breathing, like it was alive. "SCP 049 also known to foundation staff as the plague doctor. A tireless, dark being working on a supposed cure for a supposed pestilence. Do you know how many people fear you SCP 049?"
       "We are not acquainted sir. How do you know of me?" 049 replied his demeanor just as passive, just as polite.
         "I was once a slave to the foundation. Yes it is a shame that I did not pay you more attention." Dr. Montauk replied. You begin to waver on your feet, suddenly feeling as if you were suffocating.
        "I am sure." 049 said his body still protecting yours. Your hand squeezes his arm a little tighter on reflex as you tremble.
        "Would you care to have a drink with me doctor." He asked. You swallow hard, and shiver suddenly aware of how close 049 body is to yours. You can feel the heat radiating from his body, hear his heart beating in your ears.
        "I do not drink." 049 said.
        "Dr.Crow you seemed flushed." Dr.Montauk said smiling. "Your trembling is something the matter?" You close your eyes, suddenly hyper aware of every sound, every smell. Blood oh God there is so much blood here. It was accompanied but a musky stale odor of sex, it made you feel so nauseous. You close you eyes, trying to breath through your mouth so you don't have to smell the air anymore. You want to vomit.
        "Raven?" 049 calls to you. You hadn't even released you had shut your eyes until you open them. Looking down apon the floor you slowly regain your senses when you see a sickly pale tentacle slither back up Dr.Montuak pant leg.
      "I am fine." You reply sternly. You would not show weakness, you would overcome this.
      "I suggest you reconsider my offer for a drink doctor." Dr.Montuak replied. "If it Dr.Crow's safety you worry about I assure you no one will harm her unless how shall I put this.....grow displeased."
     "Very well." 049 said. "Lead the way.""
     "Well spoken doctor," Dr.Montuak answered.

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