Chapter 8

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I woke up to the sound of my mom opening up my door and yelling at me to get up.

"Dakota it's 7:50! You have to leave at 8:10 for school!! Get your ass up!!" She said as she clapped in my face trying to wake me up. After i heard the words "late" i sprung up from my bed and bolted to my closet to find something to wear.

I decided to just slip on grey sweatpants and a sweatshirt along with my white air forces. I grabbed my bag and didn't bother on packing any lunch for today. I just ran out the door and started my car up and drove to school.

As i drove to school i thought about how pissed i still am at vinnie. Like how are you gonna ditch me, the girl he got pregnant for my bsf, then cheat on her? This makes my blood just absolutely boil. But not because he did gigi dirty, because I'm still mad at her, but it makes me so mad because he's able to effect girls so much and just do whatever he wants.

My thoughts where interrupted as i pulled up to the school and found a parking spot. I grabbed my bag and headed inside, looking for vinnie so i can cuss him out.

as i was looking around for vinnie i saw amiah putting her stuff away in her locker. i ran up to her

"amiah! omg i'm so glad to see you because guess what" i said excitedly

"oh hey dakota!! what's up?" says amiah

"ok so i'm looking for vinnie so i can cuss him out."

"girl dont tell me this is about gigi because i think she deserved it. she had to learn her lesson one way or another?"

"well yeah i guess your right, but if it was gigi or not, what he did was still messed up and he doesn't even care."

"how would you know? maybe he does care or he had to break up with her or something, you don't know anything dakota."

damn. why is amiah being so salty? i thought she would be excited to know i'm about to rock vinnies shit

"damn girl. first of all, i know he doesn't care because i texted him about it last night. i have proof of you want. second of all, r u like cranky or smth why tf r u acting so..bitter?"

"sorry, i'm just really tired right now, and i'm still not with the whole..being friends with gigi again thing. i still think she's a pick me bitch who needs to be humbled. but i guess your right." says amiah

"ok, thank you, anyways you need to wake up because we need to find vinnie!" i say, grabbing amiahs hand and dragging her down the hallway with me.

we search for a couple minutes until i see vinnies curly blonde hair in the crowd of people in the hallway. he was talking to his friends and turned his face to look at me.

that was when i lost it and my knees felt weak, my palms got sweaty, and my heart started racing.

i don't get why im acting all nervous all of a sudden? i've never felt this way before, even when i've had crushes in the past. i was still able to talk to them without any of this happening.

watching the sunlight hit his glorious face, and the sun twinkle in his beautiful honey brown eyes, my heart melted. and that's when i realzied. the only reason i started dating jordan was because he reminded me of vinnie. the hair, the face shape, the muscles. he was basically the walmart version of vinnie. and that's why i dated him.

it was then at that moment that i thought i couldn't do it. how could anyone go stand up to vinnie and confront him about something when he looks like this!?

i grabbed amiahs hand and pulled a 180.

"amiah, i don't think i can do this." i say

"girl what happened to all that anger and confidence?"

"idk, i just, can't." i say

she rolls her eyes and shifts her weight to one foot and crosses her arms.

"he is nothing but a lowlife jerk who uses girls and leaves them after he's used them. he's nothing but a player and you know that! so put on your big girl panties and go up there and put him in his place." says amiah

"you know what, your right. that's exactly what i'm gonna do. if something goes wrong imma just thug out" i say

"that's the spirit!" says amiah as she grabs my shoulder and we turn around and walk back to vinnie and his friends.

"vinnie wtf!" i shout with no hesitation. he turns around and gives me a weird look.

"what do u want?" he asks in an annoyed voice.

"i want you to admit that your a lowlife scum bag." i say aggressively.

"woah woah woah, don't get your panties im a bunch there mamas."

"trust me you have no effect on my panties" i say

"i did the night of the party" he says with a smirk

my eyes go wide as im taken aback by what he had just said. all his friends are laughing in the background and im just standing there, not sure what to do.

"yeah well, we all know how that ended." i say, snapping out of the trance vinnie put me in.

"im not getting into that rn-" vinnie says

"look im not here to talk about that, im here because you have further proved my point."

"which is?"

"that your a player."

"and why is that?"

"first it was all the other girls you've used, which god knows how many, then me, then it was gigi. and now it's gonna be whoever your gonna choose next as your victim." i say

"nah that's just me trying to find the one" vinnie says as all his friends laugh again. shit isn't even that funny.

"do u have to get me pregnant on the way?" i say

"if that's what it takes, yea?" says vinnie.

"god vinnie! your so hard to talk to!"


"can't you just show some empathy for once? your so cold towards so many people." i say with a frown

"no." he says.


i honestly don't know what i expected, coming here and confronting him like anything's gonna change, like i'm gonna be able to change him. i'm like every other girl, he just wanted to get in my pants now that he has he wants nothing to do with me.

and idk what to do about it at this point.

my thoughts were interrupted as one of his friends comes up from behind and and shoulder checks me- like really really hard from behind me.

"bro get outta here alr" says his friend

i fall forward and land on my stomach- the baby.
amiah immediately comes rushing over to me, repeatedly asking if im ok.

but suddenly

the world went quiet.

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