R- what in the bloody hell was that. Yk he's with my sister a-and you're my best friend why would you kiss him.

Y- actually they're not together nor are they talking right now Ronald. And by the way I can kiss who I want you're with lavender again so again I'll do what I want.

His face went a darker red shade and I pulled away from him and went back to Harry

H- think it's working?

Y- don't know look for yourself

Just as we looked back I saw Ron punch the wall


I ran up to him and grabbed his hand seeing blood trickle down his knuckle

Y- bloody hell. Come on

I pulled him to my room and made him sit on the toilet while I looked for something to clean his hand. While looking I was mumbling to my self

Y- stupid bloody idiot god what's wrong with me that plan fucking hell FUCK

I slammed the cabinet door shut after not seeing a single bandage he looked at me annoyed and shocked at my yelling 

Y- I can't find... WAIT

I ran beside my bed and opened the cabinet beside my bed seeing a thing of wraps and ointment that molly had given me for the boys

Y- thank you molly.

I ran back to him and used a warm towel to wipe his hand off and clean off the blood

Y- why would you do that

He ignored me

Y- what's the matter ron.

He just looked at my hands on his not my face

Y- Ron look at me

I used my hand to make him look me in the eyes

R- you're stupid.

I smiled

Y- I know this is gonna hurt but you deserve it so

I used the cloth to apply some of the ointment making him wince

Y- I know I know I'm sorry

I wrapped his hand and just held his hand in mine

Y- you have to stop hitting shit Ron...

He mumbled something under his breath along the lines of

R- you have to stop flirting with people who aren't me

Y- what?

R- nothing

Y- someone's jealous huh

R- am not.

Y- uhhuh so if I were to go grab Fred or Harry and kiss them right now-

R- don't.

He grabbed my hand

R- please

Y- i knew it

R- knew what

Y- you'd get jealous

R- of what

Y- me flirting with Harry and Fred it was a plan to get back at you cus you're an asshole and slept with me just to get back with that flower all in the same two day period.

R- seems like you're the jealous one

Y- yeah as if

I laughed as did he

R- I missed you...

Y- I'm sure you did

He smiled and hugged me

R- now stop flirting with the people I love you bitch

Y- you can't make me

I kissed his cheek and we left the room to go join everyone in the common room

Y- the plan worked he got jealous

They all cheered and Harry kissed Ginny

Y- oh and gin you need to teach him to kiss

I laughed and his face went red

H- shut up it wasn't that bad

Y- you're too stiff

H- I was nervous y/n I knew the risk of kissing you I'm just glad he hit the wall and not me

I snorted and Ron's face went crimson

Y- hear that Ronald Harry here is scared of you

H- I'm scared of both of you. You're bloody terrifying y/n.

I smiled and winked at him

Y- why thank you Harold

We goofed off for hours when I heard that squeaky voice I hate


She ran to him and pushed between me and him on the couch

La- I've missed you

R- listen lav we went over this we're not getting back together will you quit

He pushed her hands off his lap and she looked at me

La- this is your bloody fault. You bitch

She slapped me making me laugh

I took a deep breath in and looked back at her

Y- 5...

La- why-

He- lavender I'd advise you to run...

Y- 4...

La- I'm not-

Gi- seriously go

Y- 3.

I stood up Making her look nervous

Y- 2.

She took off running and I sat back down Everyone looking at me

Y- you're lucky I gave her 5 seconds don't look at me like that.

H- see what I mean she's scary.

We laughed

R- oh Harry mione y/n mum said to ask if you guys want to come over for the-


He- I can't...sorry

R- it's fine

Y- don't worry mione just because you guys forgot me doesn't mean I won't write you everyday

I blew her a kiss and she swatted it away

Y- bitch I'll never do that again

He- no no I was kiddi-

Y- nope

I looked away but couldn't help but smile Knowing I have the best friends I could ever ask for...


In love with my best friend- a Ron Weasley imagineWhere stories live. Discover now