Where It All Started

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Azarel's POV:

I've been running for so long, I don't think I can go on any longer. I've been running away from the scary place for about an hour now.

It's only getting harder to run because of the security devices. Since I've been running away for about an hour, the blades got activated.

The cuffs on my wrists and the "bracelets" on my ankles started to dig into my skin. Those things do painfully deep cuts at the start.

In about a few more hours, they'll come clean off my body.

I've stopped moving for a bit, in pain. I sit and stare at the restraints. "Ow..OW!" I wince. Just moving makes it painful.

"Subject N901 Class Periculum has escaped. Send out the teams." I hear a voice say in the background. No time to waste!

I run for as long as I can, and I lose the mean people. All I hear for about an hour was a faint crunch.. crunch as I walk in the cold snow.

My vision is a bit worse, snow whirls and swirls in the air, making it hard to see. I'm probably at the border of the city by now.

I thought everything was ok, but then SNAP! I fall to the ground, my leg bleeding. Shit.. traps! My legs were ensnared in an anomaly trap.

The trap had managed to snatch my legs with barbed wire, and it must have enabled when I walked on a suspiciously perfect snow mass.

I try crawling off, but to no avail. It's winter already, and snow cakes the surroundings. I scream into the horizon. "HELP! PLEASE, ANYBODY!" Nobody came.

Then, I heard the crunching of snow behind me. No..no! NONONO! This can't be happening! I don't want to go back! I panic.

I look back, and see a figure coming towards me. I struggle to free myself, and then I look at the snow, colored a deep red, almost black, with my blood.

I started to feel dizzy at the sight of the blood. There was so much of it, it was scary.. and then the world faded to just a black hue.

Nair's POV:

I noticed some little kid running away from a group of people, so I ran after just to see what was wrong.

I realized that they were being chased by them, and I tried to get them. As expected, as I was trying to catch up with the kid, they kept running away.

Oh well, at least they're here, and I can take them with me.

I could hear the teams of security guards coming to get them, so I had to act fast. I swiftly removed the barbed wire, and carried them with me.

I ran to my car, and threw them in they back seat. I locked the doors to check their wounds.

My god.. there was a lot of blood. On their wrists and knees. I had to work fast so that they didn't bleed to death.

The only sound in the entire car was the sound of my panting, and the kid's raspy breathing. I hated having to shift into multiple forms just to verify that I wasn't a stranger to remove the devices.

Alright, that's handled. Now time to stop the bleeding. I applied pressure to their ankles first, and then their hands.

Eventually I had to drive away, so I used tight cloths to avoid any extra bleeding.

I nearly swerved and hit multiple cars on the way back, but I didn't care. All I cared for was keeping them safe.

Soon, we got to my house, perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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