꧁Chapter Twenty~Two꧂

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As she walks off in a hurry I realize just how idiotic and selfish my idea had been. I wished she would care more for me than the other two, just how mine did but I knew that would never happen seeing they were two completely different people. I quickly jumped off the Ferris wheel realizing that I should go apologize for ever bringing up the idea of abandoning her closet friend.
I walked through the nice quiet forest that was just on the outskirts of town. It reminded me a lot of the times I would come here with Y/N just to get away from her father. He always seemed to have it out for me ever since I shared my opinion on Spider Man.
I continue making my way to town but stop just before entering realizing that I was still in the suit.
As I walked around I saw that it was practically identical to my own, it only had a few slight differences such as a few missing buildings and most importantly my friends don't exist here. I continue walking until I arrive at the front of my former work place. As I look up at the store I see that it is no longer a coffee shop but instead a small Mexican restaurant, a taqueria. The smell of the food escapes when one of the customers exits the store. My stomach grumbles at the scent of the food...It is until then that I realize I still hadn't eaten either dinner or breakfast so I walk in.
As I walk in the bell above the door rings, letting the staff know someone has walked into the building. As soon as the bell rings a woman with her hair in a bun and an apron around her waist appears from behind a bead curtain.
" Buenos Dias " She greets me as she pulls out a small notepad from her apron and a pen from her hair.
" Que le gustaria ? " (What would you like) She asks me. I look up at the the menu taking in all the options they offer, the options range from chilaquiles to posole and menudo. Once I make my choice I look back at the woman ready to order.
" Buenos Dias, Me puede dar (M/F), Por Favor "
(Good morning,Could I have M/F please) She nods as she writes it down in the notepad before asking what I would like to drink. Once my order is complete she takes me into the dining area of the restaurant and seats me in a two person table before walking away to continue helping the new customers. While I wait for my food to arrive I take my phone out from my back pocket to see if I have any notifications from home.
After getting a change of clothes, I start walking idlely as I try to figure out where she could have gone. As I walk past a Starbucks coffee, it hits me that she might of gone to visit her former work place and so I start making my way down to Brooklyn. She had mentioned where she worked when I asked her about what happened to her friends Ned and MJ.
Once arriving in Brooklyn I make way down Manhattan Ave to see if I can find it anywhere but to no avail, seeing that there are zero coffee shops down the row of buildings, I start to head back but then I remember that she said there was a flower shop next to the store so I run back to find the only flower shop there is. Next to the flower shop is a taco store with the name ' Taqueria la Norteña ' plastered on top of the door. I turn to peer into one of the windows and there I see her sitting calmly with her phone in hand and her suit in a bag sitting in front of her. I walk in and the bell immediately makes my existence known but she ignores the noise as she stares down at her phone.
As I look down at my phone I hear the bell ring but before I look up my phone vibrates. Soon the screen lights up when the notification bubble pops up.
2 unread Mj❤︎︎
I click on the notification wanting to see what had happened, because she never really texts me.

Mj:Y/N where are you?
    Are you okay?

                                                                                                        Why are you worried:Y/N

As I finish typing out my message I hear someone pulling out the chair where my suit is resting so I quickly turn my phone off before turning to tell the person off but to my surprise its Peter. He takes my suit off of the chair placing it on the ground before sitting down.
" Hey how are you feeling ? " he asks me as he as he looks down at his hands which he has placed down on the table.
" I'm good,why do you ask ? " I say as I slightly narrow my eyes at him.
He sighs before answering
" You know about what. " 
 I simply shake my head to answer his question. Once again he lets out a long sigh before taking a long breath in. He's about to answer when the waitress comes by, interrupting him. After she sets down my food and drink I start eating waiting for Peter to continue but he just stares between me and my plate of (M/F).
" Do you want some ? " I ask him. He nods his head before moving his chair from being in front of me to being next to me. We eat in a peaceful silence as he takes pieces of food off of my plate.As he eats I turn to look at him realizing just how close we are.I feel my checks heat up at the proximity but luckily he seems too entranced by the food to pay me any mind.But as I continue eating I hear two of the younger waitresses whisper to each other,
" Su novio es lindo, no cress ? " (Her boyfriend is cute, don't you think? )the other hums in agreement before adding to the conversation.
" Ella tambien esta bonita, Yo creo que hacen linda pareja. "  (She's pretty too, I think they make a cute couple.) I almost choke when she says the last part which finally grabs Peter's attention. He quickly turns to face me before clapping me on the back and once I stop choking we go back to our previous conversation.
" So as I was saying before I want to apologize. " I nod my head to show that I'm paying attention.
" I know now that asking you to leave your life behind was a selfish thing to do and I'm also sorry for expecting you to be just like my Y/N " I nod once more to signify that I was thinking about his apology.
" Hey it's fine I get it. "

That was the last we spoke, after finishing our food I paid then we made our way back to the subway which would lead us to his childhood home. Once we're on the train Peter separates from me leaving about three seats between us so with nothing to do I pull my phone out once more. The first thing I see when my phone lights up is a notification that Mj had responded.

Mj: Not at all
     U just left me alone
with no one to talk to       
                                                                                                               Sure, talk to Ned: Y/N
Mj: Can't he's out sick
                                                                                    I'll be gone a week or so, just wanted to let u know:Y/N


That was the last text before we arrived in Queens, Peter and I got off of the train and started heading to where ever it is that he used to live.

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