Part 6: Love

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"Custard! C'mon kid we're going to the park!" Black raisin crossed her arms as she tapped her foot. Custard came running downstairs, "I'm coming!"
Black raisin sighed, "stay close."
He nodded.
Black raisin was excited, there was one place next to the park they were going.
The skate park.
As they arrived, Custard immediately ran to his friend group and stated to yell, "I'm king of the castle!"
"You're always king of the castle!" Pancake whined.

Half pipes aren't always a problem in Black rains case. Even with one arm she can do any stunt you can think of!
Of course, as had expected, everyone was staring.
The uncomfortable thoughts took hold of her as she decided to get Custard and leave.
"Ray! I so glad to see you again!"
It was Raspberry on her own pink skateboard and rolled toward her.
"H-hey Rasp..." Black raisin mumbled.
"Do you know how to do a kick flip?"
"Uh, yeah why?"
"Could you, uh, teach me?"
Black raisin raised an eyebrow, "I thought you said you were good at a lot of moves."
Raspberry blushed, "not all of them..." she trailed off.
Black raisin laughed, "Sure, princess, I'll teach you."

They rolled to one of the half pipes as Raspberry sat down on her board while Black raisin stood one foot on her board.
"First of all you'll need to place your back foot on the tail. Then once you pop the tail, you'll drag your front foot over the grip of the nose."

Raspberry watches intently. Black raisin just looked beautiful. Her black hair shined in the sun, she looked like a raven in all its glory.
"When that notion happens it'll make the board flip. You got all that?"

Raspberry was just staring at Black raisin's body.
'Damn...she looks good in a crop top.'
"Rasp you ok?"
"Oh, um, yeah I'll try it now."
She followed Black raisins first instruction. But as she twisted the board mid-air she fell.
"Ah!!" She cried out.
"You okay?" Black raisin took hold of her leg and sighed.
"You either broke it or sprained it, I'll get back to my house. Custard! We're going home kiddo!"
She takes Raspberries arm and slings over her neck.
"Hi Raspberry!! Your hurt!"
"It's alright Custard. I'll be ok."

They walked back and knocked hard on the door, White lily opened it and gasped.
"My goodness! What happened?!" She ushered them inside.
"Skateboard." Black raisin muttered.
Pure vanilla rushed in, "my god. Bring her over here." Raspberry laid on the couch as Pure vanilla felt her leg.
"Hmm, only sprained your lucky. I'll get you some ice and the bandages."
He got up and went the kitchen.
"Hey, Rasp?"
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"
Raspberry blinked her eyes as she took a glass of water, "um, I suppose it's a believable emotion to feel. Everyone can experience it. So I suppose I do."

"Well I do, and I've falling in love with someone at first sight." Black raisin said seriousness laced in her voice.
She spat out her water,"Bwah?!"
"And it's you."
Raspberry was probably as red as her name. Black raisin was so blunt about it!
"Um, me?" She pointed to herself.
Black raisin nodded, " was the first time we met."
Raspberry collected herself a bit, "to be honest Ray, I fell in love as well. With you. The first time we met too."
Black raisin looked at her with wide eyes, but the launch herself at her with a hug.

"Oh thank fuck! That was hard to get off my chest! But thank you for, you know, excepting my feelings for you." She mumbled into Raspberries shoulder.
Raspberry hugged her back with equal feelings, "yeah, thank you too. I was worried as well."

They pulled back and looked at each other. With loving eyes and leaned slowly forward.

"Oh god you two suck at this."
They turned to see Clover smirking like an idiot caught in the act.
Black raisin was more pissed then having a laugh.
"Get out you cockblock! And take your gay ass back to Licorice!"
He went upstairs, but not before making one last comment.
"Just kiss already!!" He laughed.

Raspberry laughed, "I didn't know your brother likes our relationship that much." She looked at Black raisin. She noticed her face being hidden.
"Um, Ray you ok?"
She launched forward and pressed her lips against Raspberries. Her eyes widened but relaxed and kissed back her gripping Black raisins neck.
Black raisins hand graced her neck tightly.
The kiss went deeper, and deeper, until their tips of there tongs touched.

The girls pulled back to see Pure vanilla smirking and White lily fainting.
"Make sure you girls use protection!." He laughed while leaving the medical supplies on the table.
"Hahahahaha!!" Clover was howling with laughter while taking pictures of them.
"You know you guys are now popular in school right?"
Black raisin narrowed her eyes.
"What's that mean?"
Clover held up his phone that showed a whole photo collection of Rasps and Rays kiss.
Oh man, was Black raisin pissed.

"I can't believe you!! You goddamn cockblock!" She barraged Clover with anything she could find.
While Raspberry just laughs.
After that fiasco. They held their hands and pressed their lips together in harmony.
With no interruptions.
They finally found their peace.
They were no longer friends.
They were lovers.
"I love you Rasp."
"I love you too Ray."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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