Episode 2

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"Not yett!"

Yashiro and y/n were cleaning hanako's bathroom for him since they both became his "assistants"

"Come on man! She has somethin to do today!"

"Hmmm no! I also got  something important for you both to do when your finished! Sounds like your only option is to clean faster!"

"Not fairrr.."

"Hey im here to clean disgusting toilets all damn day!"

Y/n grabbed hanako by his shoulders shaking him crazy

"You may be internally young but we're not! Yashiro got somethin to do and she could miss her chance because of you ya jackass!!"

She screamed at him shaking hanako even faster

"Wwwaahhh! Chance for what!?"

Yashiro smiled putting her hands up in a peace sign

"Not trying to brag but i got asked out a second date by fugi the coolest guy in class! He really wants me to meet him alone in our classroom later and i really dont wanna stand him up!"

"A date!?"

"Wait what!? you never told me that yashiro!"

"What exactly are you expected to do with this kid!"

Hanako said sounding a little jealous

"If you really wanna know i guess ill have to tell youuu!"

"We're meeting in a empty classroom to organize paper work for the student council. Fugi said he has to leave right away tho so i told him ill finish up.. hes so shy.."

"If hes leaving then does that count as a date?"

"The hell? If was gonna leave why ask you to join em in the first place! When i find that jerk im gonna wreck his nerves"

"Sounds to me like hes using you"

Yashito flinched at what hanako said and widen her eyes when he came over her smiling

"Stay..dont go on this date, ill show you a better time than that guy will"

Yashiro slightly blushed at how close he was to her, once again y/n had a weird feeling in her chest staring at them

"And i wont leave you alone"



"Thank you hanako but if my choices are to clean bathrooms with you or sort paper work alone then please hand me all the stacks"

"Ookkay thats fine! You must really miss breathing through your gills! Guess i better go shopping! Whats your favorite fish food"

Hanako said threatening yashiro into becoming a fish again

"Nothing between more joy than a sparkling clean bathrooom!!"

"Jeez you two are somethin else.."

Y/n and yashiro were in class together and like any other friends they were sitting next to each other, they both didnt feel like cleaning bathrooms today. but then noticed the small red orb that was around them

Toilet bound hanako kun x fem readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang