Chapter One

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     "My Luna, you requested for me" Zain said to his mother sitting on a couch opposite her.
"I told you not to address me so officially. I'm your mother,Zain. As you know I want to discuss the same issue.... When are you going to get me some grand babies huh Zain?" His mother asked.
  Zain sighed,"Mother please....."
"No Zain. You need to get a wife, a Luna. You're dad's not getting any better and if you don't get a wife soon Raphael will. I have so many beautiful, successful ladies I'd love you to meet"
  "Not this again! Mother I have four months, I'm sure I'll find a Luna before then" Zain begged.
"I won't have it" Zain's mother, Marina said. "Tomorrow you're going to have tea with all the ladies I have assigned for you"

Zain knew he couldn't argue with his mother she was as persistent as he was but she always win the battles.
"I'll go see dad even though I know it's a thesame ol' nonsense" Zain murmured.

                     * * * * * * * *

   "Huh..hmph" Sapphire breathed as she ran away from the officers. They were bigger than she was but she didn't give up without a fight.
       She was already in her wolf form with her bag in her mouth as well as the police chasing her. She was ahead of them, this was so unfair 1-10. She was jumping, sliding, running over everything but she still couldn't get rid of them until finally she saw an abadoned cabin. She decided to step in, she had changed back to her human form and wore a new pair of clothes.  Her hand on her blow gun just in case. She threw a bomb at the other lane of the road to divert the police and just as planned, they took the bait and followed that lane.

   When she had secured the area, she lay her map on the crooked dinning table.
   "Where am I now?" She asked herself staring at her map. She was currently in Lunar pack,wolf city "Where else should I go too. Ohhh New moon pack? I haven't been there before. Let's try that out."
  She walked outside the cabin and looked left and right. Coast clear.


Next day.

Zain woke up to the morning sun and chirping birds and then his mother's screeching voice.
   "Zainyy dear. You have to wake up, remember you have a long list of women just waiting to meet you". He heard some maidens giggle, Zainyy dear? His mother was so embarrassing.
"Mom" he whined "I'll be out in a minute"
  "Okay dearie. I'll go talk to the ladies. Meet me at the lavender garden when you're done" Marina yelled back.

  When I was done, I met my mother by the lavender garden just like she asked and when I got there, my mother had lined over two hundred women to go on tea dates with me. This was going to be a long day....and I was going to need a lot of tea.

  "Hey prince Zain, I'm Christie and my dad owns like a thousand companies, I don't care but I can be your wife or whatever--" she was saying when I interupted
  "Next!" I yelled getting bored, my mom came out occasionally to check how I was doing.
  "Oh, she's my favourite. Her name's Eva. She's the one I recommend for you" my mom whispered in my ear. Come on!
   "Hello soon to be Alpha Zain. My name is Rose but you can call me Eva and I'm from lunar crest pack. I would be honored to be your wife. I have always admired you, your courage, passion,smarts, desire, and most of all your heart." Rose introduced.
   She was beautiful and I liked her but I just didn't feel the connection, my mom had cornered me and made me pick my favorite five which was - Charity, Jermaine, Margret, Sophia and Rose.

   "Ohh. I knew you'd love Rose. Isn't she such a charm?" My mom asked me.
  "Yeah she is but right now I need a much deserved bath, bye mom" I said standing up to leave.
   "Son, I have some bad news" my mom said pulling me back into my chair.
  "Just what I need" I said disappointedly.
"The doctor said that your dad's only going to make it through two more months" my mom said between tears
"So that means I only have two more months to pick a wife" I said devastated.
  "Yes Zai--" right on cue, my father's concubine and second wife Elissa walked in
   " Oh hello Zain, Marina. Looking for a wife? Oh please just give up. Zain is never finding a wife and Raphael, my amazing son is soon to be Alpha" she said.
  My mother shot Elissa a death glare." Come on Zain, wasn't aware we'll be having unexpected visitors" my mother said coldly.
  I had to get a wife, soon. I was going to marry Rose hopefully,she was my safest bet. I couldn't let down my family, my dad, mom and sister, Veronica. I couldn't continue to let Elissa treat my family like trash just because my dad was ill and couldn't do anything about it....

      Keep eyes open for the next chapter. Lots of love

New moon: Finding a Luna <Unedited>Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα