"Hello?" He grumbled as soon as he answered the phone. It sounded like he had been asleep all day and Demi didn't know if it was the caffeine high or the fact that she had to leave her job early to do the one thing that she had asked of him, but she felt like she was going to explode.

"Wilmer, are you fucking kidding me?" Demi hissed, jamming the Bluetooth button on her car so that she wouldn't have to hold her phone.


"I ask for one thing. One FUCKING thing and you can't even do that! You left our kids at school after you've had the whole day to recover from whatever the fuck you were doing all night! So I ask for one fucking thing and you can't do it? You can't get out of bed for an hour to go pick up our kids?" Demi ranted, not caring if she was repeating herself or not. She wanted him to feel all of her wrath.

"When did you ask me to go pick up the kids?"

"You know what Wilmer? I shouldn't have even had to ask you! Why do I have to give you an assignment to go pick up our kids from school? It's not like I was asking you to watch them or anything like that. I literally asked you to pick them up, drop them off at my parents' house, then go whatever the fuck it is that you do all day! But you're so fucking worthless, you couldn't even do that!" Demi seethed, cutting someone off in the third lane so that she could get to the school a little bit faster. Her babies were probably so embarrassed and Demi hated that.

"Demi, don't talk to me like that..." Wilmer warned.

"No, Wilmer, fuck you. I'm talking to you the exact way that you deserve to be talked to and if you know what's good for you, you won't be at the house when I get home," Demi warned him as she clutched the steering wheel.

"Excuse me?"

"Do not be at my fucking house when I make it home because if you're there I will literally beat your ass and call the fucking police myself to report it. Good bye," Demi spelled out as she pulled into the school parking lot. She really had made it within 20 minutes so her daughters were standing outside with Ms. Meyer. Demi ended the call and took a deep breath, swallowing down any anger that she had towards Wilmer so that it wouldn't come out to her children. Once she felt calm, she forced the car into park before getting out.

"Hi my babies!" Demi exclaimed, meeting them halfway. Well, meeting her youngest halfway. Her older daughter trailed behind with a pout on her face as Demi welcomed them into her arms.

"Mommy, I painted," Luna, her youngest daughter cooed, practically shoving a butterfly with colored scribbles all over it into Demi's face.

"Wow sweetie, you're the best artist ever, I swear!" Demi gushed, giving her a kiss on the cheek before standing up to greet Ms. Meyer.

"I am so sorry about this. I promise it won't happen again," and Demi was a woman of her word.

"Oh it's no problem, your daughters are angels. Have a good day," Ms. Meyer said before walking back into the school. Although she had a sweet smile on her face Demi could see the searing judgment in her eyes, because although she wasn't mega famous like her boss and her husband did a lot of behind the scenes work, stories about them still occasionally popped up on trashy gossip sites that office receptionists loved. Demi could imagine the older woman typing her name into Google trying to get the latest dirt once she realized that her kids had been left at school.

"Daddy was supposed to pick us up," Iris stated as Demi opened the back door of her Mercedes.

"Do you still want to go to grandma and grandpa's?" Demi asked, ignoring Iris's statement as she helped Luna get buckled in.

"No," Iris turned her little nose up and huffed as Luna shook her head.

"I wanna spend the day with you mommy!"

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