Road Chase Montage!

Start from the beginning

Tom then curves the car to face where the destruction is that the blue hedgehog caused. This sudden curve caused [Name] to yowl in shock, their eyes widened in a frenzy of shock and the glacier that were holding them onto the vehicle had shifted off.

The [Animal Name] fell off from the roof of the car, a stiffened grunt left them from the seeping pain on their side from the glass shards.

"Sonic! [Name]?" Tom called out, looking out the window to notice Sonic curled up in a ball still and [Name] leaned against the back of the car, stumbling upon their feet and jumped into the open back of the truck, sitting down there in a daze.

"I believe, the enemy, which is the glass, has struck me..."

"Guess, I had a bonus life." Sonic gurgled, uncurling himself out and stood up, his balance wobbling, as he tried to maintain his right footing. Noticing the lop-sided drone car he knocked over, the blue hedgehog dashed over to it with such confidence and laughed cheerfully. "Oh, yeah, baby! Sonic: 1. Big tank: 0. I'm sorry, did we get that on camera?"

"How is the hedgehog not dead?" [Name] uttered out in a tainted whisper to Tom, to which to police officer then mimicked in questioning himself to the hedgehog.

"How are you not dead?"

"I have no idea! Do you see me dancing?" The blue hedgehog felt a burst of energy, wavering his hands around criss-crossing his legs a few times in a rhythmic dance pattern.

"Yeah, we see you dancing." Tom replied, he wasn't able to restrain his grin, as Sonic's own was just contagious. "Right, [Name]?" He raised a brow, looking in the back of his truck, to see [Name] slumped in with some glass shards on them.

The police officer grew worried, his face scrunched up and the [Animal Name] nodded dismissively, turning away quickly. Tom kept his attention on them, peering his head out from the window.

"Are-- Are you alright?"

[Name] quickly nodded, shuffling away in slight discomfort from the new-found concern they were seeing for the first time. "Uh, yes-- Just, minor injuries..."

Tom frowned, growing easily concerned and grimaced at the damage the glass shards were doing to the [Animal Name]. "...Alright, we'll have to make sure that it's bandaged."

The [Colour] [Animal Name] laid back in the back of the truck, looking away from the worried police officer and wavered their hand away dismissively. "Yes--Yes, I am acknowledgeable on that, Thomas. How about we set course for somewhere then, and not staying around here, like idiotic morons, hm?"

Tom blinked mildly in bewilderment, before hastily nodding, upon seeing [Name's] tight-lipped frown and called out to the blue hedgehog, who was busy mocking the tank he knocked over.

"Sonic! Get back in the truck!"

"You guys, go! I'll catch up!"

The brown-haired human hesitantly nodded, turning and put back on the engine, as he started to drive the car on. Sonic zipped back, jumping into the back of the truck and glanced over to see [Name] holding their abdomen, gritting their teeth in pain.

He reached his hands out to them, "Do you need help--"

"--No!" [Name] barked out, slanting their teeth and scrunched their eyes up in pain, letting out a stinging breath of pain from taking out the small glass shards from themselves. "No..." They uttered out, once again. This time; it was said with less irritation, but still with the same assertiveness and force.

Sonic could only watch, his frown deepening from remembering their words of earlier and recoils his hands back. His ears were pinned down in shame, as they perked up from observing a mini-tank pop out from the larger lop-sided tank.

Sonic the Hedgehog [Sonic x Gender Neutral Mobian! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now