pt. 5 # " setting the scales straight. "

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  KHONSHU LOOKED DOWN at them from the top of the sand dune

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  KHONSHU LOOKED DOWN at them from the top of the sand dune. The trio walked up, Layla looking down at her tablet. "I can turn back the night sky."

"How?" Steven called out.

"It will come at a cost, and I cannot do it alone." The sand began swirling, as Khonshu appeared. Steven listened in, even if the two women could not hear their conversation. Steven looked over at Hathor, conflicted.

"Khonshu says..." Steven glanced upward to the air, where Khonshu was. "He asks of you to help. And that when he is imprisoned, to help Marc release him." Steven paused, "Do I seriously have to say it?" He asked, turning back to Hathor.

Hathor looked at Steven sympathetically, knowing he couldn't have possibly signed up for the life of an avatar. "He also asked me to tell you that he says, I love you, and he's sorry." Hathor smiled, engulfing Steven in a hug. she peered past him, where he was discussing to Khonshu.

"I love you too, street pigeon." Hathor spoke, looking at Steven. "Are you sure you got this? I can do this with him alone if you can't."

"No, I'll be fine." Steven gave her an assuring smile. Their ceremonial clothing began shifting onto their bodies. "He tells you to copy my actions." Hathor nodded, bringing her hands up with him.

The night began shifting, purples and blues blending together in a beautiful cosmic mix. Hathor's glossy eyes reflected each streak of the stars, a beautiful change from the usual vengeful look she wore with her costume. She turned to Steven, who was exclaiming in shock.

The galaxy presented itself to them, beams shooting back and forth as it moved too fast for the eye to properly catch. They continued, as Steven dropped to his knees. Slowly, their constellation appeared, stopping still at their night sky. The two struggled to hold it, but Hathor couldn't help but admire its beauty. Hathor felt herself crack, curious.

Hathor turned, seeing Montu behind her. "Montu, no!" Her armor began faltering off of her body.

"Free me with him, my child." Montu said as he disappeared. Layla went to help Steven up, the two left in their regular clothing. Steven collapsed onto the ground, and Hathor turned. She was just as tired, but the adrenaline pumping in her body made her not yet pass out.

"Come on," Hathor whispered to Layla, "You take his legs, I have his arms." Layla nodded, placing the tablet on his stomach as they began to drag him down the dune. Hathor grunted, while Layla kept on trying to wake him up. Lights appeared in front of them, a warning. The two's eyes widened in shock as bullets began getting fired. The truck began rolling down, circling back as Layla and Hathor hid behind the vehicle they stole. They got inside the trunk, Hathor motioned for Layla to stay quiet as they observed it.

When the truck moved again, stopping at the unconscious Steven they had decided to abandon. Layla looked at the sparklers, striking one alive. It hissed as it was taken alight, however, Layla abandoned it. she appeared with another, throwing it at the truck. It landed on their ammunition, and blew it up. Hathor turned to Layla, cheering as she hugged her. "You're such a badass!"

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