Any number of things could have happened- is Sabre hurt? Is Tewtiy locked away? Am I actually dead and it seems like I'm not? Wait-

I look down at my clothes as best as I could. Or at least- at a certain lack of a shirt and my pants not being the same I had been wearing earlier. Oh great... I had ruined my clothes.

The door flings open but is caught before it slams against the wall. I flick my eyes over in time to see Tewtiy run over, startling the green haired man who had been watching me.

"Lucas!" He quickly places the back of his hand against my forehead to feel for my temp and I chuckle. There's some of that Older Brother factor that he used to show all the time to Sabre and I.

"Thank the galaxies you are alright! I was worried about you..." A look of relief floods his face as he looks down with a silent, "Thank the Reapers,".

"Heh... Just feel like I'm dying Tewtiy. I'll be fine." I meet Tewtiy's eyes as he lets out a sigh and looks back up at me.

Another set of rushed feet come from the hall and dart over to Tewtiy's side. He about wrapped his arms around me before settling on resting his arms on the bed. A worried set of Blue and faded Emerald eyes meets mine as Tewtiy shifts back a bit to allow space. Next thing I knew, I was being suffocated in a hug by a silently sobbing Sabre.

His body shook as he had his arms at my sides on the bed in a sort of half hug. His face was tucked away in my left shoulder as I lift my arms as far as I could, without reopening wounds, and hug my friend back. He stays there for a moment with my hand rubbing his back a little.

Lord of Lightning... Is this real? Am I really hugging my friend after I thought he was dead for so long? It felt so surreal...


Here I was.

I let a small shaky breath escape my mouth as I feel Tewtiy place his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it gently from the side.

We were all together again after so many years... So many trials and sleepless nights... It almost felt like it wasn't supposed to be.

I wince as sharp pain radiates from my stomach and causes me to exhale sharply. Sabre quickly pulls back as he looks at me frantically with a worried expression before I manage out a small, "I'm fine, just a small wave of pain." Before he eased a bit. With a quickness, he pulled out what appeared to be a black covered notebook with gold edging from a pack at his side, then started writing in it with a charcoal pencil. He finishes writing after a moment, then holds it for me to see and taps a section of the page where there was writing.

"Are you sure you're okay?? That didn't sound good." He has a worried look on his face as I become aware of the presence of other people in the room. The Green man quickly stands off to the side as I note a Clock masked man with silver armor, A Red haired man with a red coat, A green haired man with what appeared to be a turtle shell helmet in his hand, and that Violet man from before.

I nod to Sabre, chuckling lightly to avoid thinking about the shooting pain in my stomach.

"I'm alright... Like I said, Just residual pain from my wounds." I glance back over at Tewtiy who had been dead quiet, then look at the other men in the room. I recognized three of them. The Violet man, who I believe was named Violet Leader, the Red haired man, and the Clock masked man who named himself as, Time. Time has a bit of a tired look in his eyes, which gave me the indication that he had a hard time sleeping last night. Or- earlier? Nobody had told me how long I'd been out for yet which was starting to get me a bit worked up.

Sabre wipes his eyes and sighs, Tewtiy gently resting his hand on Sabre's shoulder as he did.

"How is he doing?" I catch the Green haired man with the turtle shell helmet ask my caretaker, then sigh and look back at me. I preoccupy myself with looking around at the room, my eyes now adjusted to it as I listened in.

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