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He stood there, shaggy black hair blowing in the wind. Eyes of molten silver glared dangerously, wickedly at the blood. Dripping from his fingers, that clutched on a shard of glass, cutting his rough, calloused skin.

A rivet of sweat ran down his abdominal area, disappearing past his waist line. His chest heaved with every breath, his mouth partly open. Every muscle on his body is tense, defined like it is carved specifically by God's.

He fell to his knees, hitting the hardwood floor. The image of him in the mirror was not the real him. Especially not the black vein filled of toxin that currently crept up his neck like cool fingers, reaching for his inner sanity.

He would lose it, if he didn't wake up to her.

He could feel her soft hands in his. He wanted to wake up, to rip from the holds of this coma before death tore him away. He could hear every word she spoke from the waking world. Hear every whisper, and feel every caress.

But for now, he is stuck. He is stuck in a world of his subconscious, fighting the painful truth he can't escape....

This monster, that danced in his eyes, stabbed at his once pure heart was controlling him. No Lycan should feel this way. Weak, yet unstoppable. Restrained, yet omnipotent.

Why won't Juliette wake me?

He could feel her posion through his blood, and if she didn't change him....

Each drop of blood that dribbled off his fingertips was his subconscious mind telling him he's changed, he's now one of them, or will be soon.

A Skinwalker.

He's been in this state for too long, incapable of seeing his lover, only hearing her reassuring voice. Soon he will have to wake up, or the fight for his life will be lost.

Our little Jaxon is stuck in a coma!

See more of Juliette's point of view in first chapter. Which is day seventeen I believe.

You probably have tons of questions, which I will only answer in the next chapter!

So vote and comment, so I can update faster! (:

Snapchat : midikacrane
Instagram : divine_endearment

~Midika ♡

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