new adventure is began

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Jennifer, Benjamin. They both rush and hug her.

Hello grandpa, hy grandpa max . ben I thought you was on your house when I got there your mother told me you was already gone to jenny school to pick her.

Sorry for that grandpa. I was so excited to meet my pumpkin I forgot about our promise. He say and scratch her back head.

Alright gys we are burning day light we need to get there camp site he say and all three get in RV and run on road

Inside rv. there was young girl *white pant and blue top with cat face on center * sitting on couch and reading magazine.

Jane: what she's doing her she whispering to her brother who was stand next door to her . * I can hear you Jennifer * she say a bite of annoyed tone. I was not saying anything bad about you . I was just surprised to see you here . She hold the situation and turn in favor of her.

Ya I know some one convinces my mom it will be adventurer for me to have summer road trip with along you gys. It's good to have you gwen. *ben say with bright smile*

she mumbling ( only one thing is good for that boring trip I can spend some time with big brother ben although we are cousin's but dam I wish he's my real brother or top of that he's my boyfriend ) . Hello earth to gwen are you listening. She break through her thought and answer. Yah iam ok .

Then why your chicks are all red .she was blushing red .

What there nothing .it must be because of heat ,yha definitely its heat fault .

If the reason is heat then rub it on your face its moisturise and cooling agent, it will help your skin dry and cool .* ben give sun's cream to gwen which she thank*

You too have pumpkin. Thanks brother. She say with smile.

At camp site :ben was helping max for preparing dinner. Hum fresh smells of wild orugal worms, you can eat it when they are fresh.

Ben pick and eat one worm ,its need salt and some paper too,*euuuuu gross* Both girl say with together . i will puck give me a moment *gwen say and calm herself*,

how can you gys eat this, what you called it food are we really going to eat this, *gwen ask*., it's not look great sweety but its taste good even some tribes and country it count as delicacy. Max  say and eat another one. Ahhhh will you stop it .gwen say.

Yah dont we have anything like steak or burger . Jenny say, junk food those are false food and give you only laziness and sleep, on other hand these will give you energy and iron stomach. Like grandpa max always say these summer trip was adventure for your body and stomach. Ben say and helping max again.

Ok I got have some biscuits and puff corns what you have some muffins and candy bar . Gwen say. Do you think we can survive by all these entire summer. Both say disappointment manner, *nah *

After some time ,there was awkward silent between two girls,they do there respective works gwen using her laptop and Jenny reading noble of (Indiana jones lost arc of crusade) ,hy gys any idea what will we do for have fun. Ben break silent with cheerful manner, I suggest scary stories and we have couple of other things too, grandpa suggest.

Spending entire summer with my over smart cousin sister, its lots more scary than anything, jenny say with smirk face, *I can still hear you Jennyfer*, *gwen say* ,

oh by the way grandpa currently I am researching on cure to get treatment for dweeb nothing much progress yet but dont worry Jenny I will get your cure,

dont call me dweep you computer geek who always lay on computer and pretending smart one as a gifted one ,she say bit of annoying face.

at list iam not like you who always stuck her face on old rusted books .she say with ireted face.

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