Eight - Chapter Inkling

Start from the beginning

"Maybe it's one of your relatives, Professor!" grinned Kwazii cheekily.

The Professor gave him a forbidding look. "If you say so, Kwazii," he sighed.

'Speaking of mythical creatures; there's another kind out there in the anime verse that certainly LOOK human, but are actually countries, for instance; these are the allies; http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/28900000/hetalia-paint-it-white-wallpaper-hetalia-the-allies-28926098-600-450.jpg and these are the axis; http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/hetalia/images/f/f1/Hetalia_axis_powers_474_1680.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140628173129&path-prefix=answers

Can you guess which countries they are?'

"I couldn't possibly be qualified to guess."

"Aww, go on, Professor," Izzy prompted. "Give it a go."

The octopus gave another heavy sigh that detailed exactly how hard done by he felt. "Fine. Countries, you say? Maybe the first one on the far left could be Russia, I could maybe imagine him as a personified version of that. And the rightmost one I can see being a very natural countrified country - maybe somewhere in Africa? The artwork is certainly very talented, anyway. Nothing that I could ever successfully attempt."

Do you like any musicals? If so, which ones? My favorites are Cats, The Phantom of The Opera (apparently the sequel [Love Never Dies] was crap to the fans), Les Miserables, The Little Mermaid on Broadway (no duh!), Rent, Hetalia; Singin' in the world, The Octonauts and the deep-sea volcano adventure, and The Sound of Music. I've only seen Sound of Music, Les Mis, Phantom, and TLM on Broadway (which is actually better than the movie, I highly recommend it.) I've only heard audio/seen clips of Cats, Rent, Hetalia; Singin' in the world, and Love Never Dies (I'm hooked onto the song Till I hear you sing, the sequel might have been bad, but that is one heck of a song!) I have not been able to find videos on you guys' musical, yet. ;)'


All the eyes in the room turned extremely suspiciously to Izzy in the process of a helpless shrug. "Our musical? The Octonauts and the Deep Sea Volcano Adventure?" Tweak demanded.

"You have fans. Let's leave it at that for now," Izzy tried innocently.

Tweak narrowed her eyes. "For now," she murmured somewhat ominously.

Inkling thought about it for a moment, four tentacles tapping at his chin. "I have to admit I have not seen many musicals, being, well - an octopus and a busy one at that. Back when I was at university, I saw Les Miserables, which was very good. Tweak has also managed to stream the filming of a musical called Wicked to the Octopod computers in the past, which is a prequel to The Wizard Of Oz and which I have to admit is very good indeed."

"I remember that," Peso piped up from his armchair. "We all sat around on beanbags in the Games Pod and watched it at night. The Vegimals jumped at every scary bit and we got quite a collection of fish outside the window watching it too."

"Thanks very much for your questions to Inkling, Jasmine," Izzy said for what had to be the fiftieth time this story. She was looking pretty tired, come to think of it. "Next up - Barnacles, you read."

'Greetings Professor, I have got a few questions

Wildfire: hey what'cha doin

You set the kitchen on fire again didn't you

Frostbite: He was cooking cereal

Wow *sighs* right I'll take care of that after this

Anyway what on earth made you so determined to gather a crew and help the ocean?

Geysersprout: Hiiiiii I'm the prince of water

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