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"Who is talking about me? I've been sneezing since last night! Damn!."

Jom sneezed out again as he put the coffee cup on the marble table in front of

the faculty of Sports Science. I kept looking up at him and repeatedly saying

sorry in my mind.

Yesterday, I lied about my name and gave the boy his name instead. Well, I

can't trust a stranger that easily, and given the situation who would dare tell

their first name? I took the watch and sold it. I have exchanged it for a couple

of hundred thousand already.

So if he ever came looking for me, I could deny the name who isn't me in the

first place. I remember him saying, "If anything happens to the watch,

consider yourself dead."

"Why are you looking at me fuck head?"

The bastard asked me as he came to sit beside me and Jom. His name is Tem.

They are my only friends, my two best friends. Even though I am good-

looking, with a smooth face and all, I'm not quite friendly, especially with

strangers. I rarely express my feelings and other people may perceive me as

being cold. Maybe the Japanese tattoo of cherry blossoms on my left arm

contributed mainly as they did not dare to mess with me. Only these two

idiots stay with me until now.

We are currently in our 2nd year in one of the top universities in the country,

but if it weren't for the scholarship of being an athlete, boy! I wouldn't have

the wisdom to study here. I study for free. As a taekwondo champion and a representative of our school, it makes life easier to apply for a scholarship.

"If we finish our report early, Porsche, can we visit the club?"

The boy Jom who has been playing on his phone said.

"Before you think of drinking, help me first."

Tem is implying that he has been sitting here alone and doing the report for a

long time already. I, on the other hand, didn't engage in what he is doing, I

don't have any plans on helping at all.

"Well if it's done, we'll go okay?"

Jom doesn't give up the idea of visiting the club where I work.

They often go there just to hang out, because they were as close to the owner

as I am.

"Ohoi, okay we'll go."

I said.

Jom stopped playing on his phone and the two of them worked faster to

complete the report with Jom asking every three minutes if we're done yet.

As for me, I do whatever I can without any effort whatsoever.

So the three of us, now sitting in front of the bartender at THE ROOT CLUB,

my boss's shop.

I am very familiar with my boss, Jae Jade, a transgender woman who has a

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