This scene is so fucked imo like dude he thought you were gonna die

28 1 8

6am w period pain again and im thinking abt how that scene where ford offers to make dipper his apprentice is the perfect encapsulation of why he shouldnt

Like ford is all like 'you just saved my life and nearly died trying how many other 12 year olds could do that' but what he's missing is that no 12 year old should have to. This wasnt something dipper asked for for one and furthermore this isnt something dipper does regularly. He's brave but hes still a kid and he gets terrified. What gives him the strength to save ford here is his love for him. Thats kind of the main theme of gravity falls in a corny way. Its why getting mabel back was such a big part of the finale. Dipper loves his family, particularly his sister and they love him back. Thats why the pines twins are such a formidable foe, its why bill underestimated the pines as a whole ('who would give up everything just for their dumb sibling?'  'You idiot you'll destroy your own mind as well!') and its why dipper was able to pull that stunt off. I dont think ford was trying to but he doesnt have the emotional intelligence to realise what exactly just went down and all he can see is 'this kid cool good for him good for him'. You can even kind of see dippers brain buffering as it tries to quickly change course from the panic and trauma of almost losing ford to suddenly none of that mattering and now he has to make a life changing decision. Theres not really a moment like he would have with mabel or even stan where he gets to breath and hug it out and feel that his grief and panic was recognised

Thats why he cant stay with him.

Ford can give him the best education in the world but he isn't equipped to raise a child. Granted i dont think he's thinking the most rationally here but he doesn't seem the type to realise until he's in too deep how bad an idea this is. Dipper is starting puberty you dont need to go through all the turmoil of your teenage years with an adult who cares more about punching cyclops than give you advice about prom. What dipper needs, emotionally, is stability, his sister, and a family more receptive to his growing emotional needs. Ford is currently too blinded by his intellect and emotionally stunted from his abusive parents and estrangement from stan to ever support dipper emotionally on the level he needs and is used to.  This never would have worked

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