Moriah will draw a small balloon animal monkey and thats a great art day. 10/10

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Moriah elizabeth is one of the truest youtube artists. Like yeah, objectively, her art is less than perfect but shes charming because she doesnt NEED challenges and monthly art boxes and gimmicks to show any kind of creativity. Shes bursting at the seams with it on her own. She doesnt just draw girls in dresses for 10 whole sketchbooks, she draws shit thats weird and different and unapologetically what she wants to see. Its very much the same artistic process we have as children. You sit down to draw and draw the first thing you feel like. It doesnt matter if its weird or gaudy or self indulgent. It doesnt matter if you didnt flip your canvas or your anatomy is bad or your colour theory is off or theres too much going on in the picture of if its not good for the algorithm. All that matters is that you had fun. Shes such a rare, beautiful artist because shes somehow manages to maintain that spark into her adulthood. Moriahs art is more beautiful even at its technical worst than any other artist i've watched because its a creative process unburdened by the anxieties that plague most artists. She is free and she makes me feel like we can all learn to be free again too

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