I smiled again seeing it and went to open Ron's note 

Dear y/n, 

I miss you, hope you're having fun, see you at school. 


That took the smile off my face I swallowed the tears back and looked at him.. that's all he had to say... "I miss you hope you're having in see you at school" really? 

R- can we goooo I'm hungry 

Y- you... Are an ass. 

I shoved the letter in his chest and walked to the common room seeing the twins 

I had tears in my eyes so I tried to run by them but I'm not that fast being I'm so short. 

G- hey hey hey are you ok? 

Y- fine. 

F- lies. Look at me 

He grabbed my hand and George grabbed the other 

Y- I got the letters. Thanks for the ring guys.. 

F- that's not why you're crying tho is it

Y- not crying see happy happy me yay see smiles 

As I said that my voice cracked and a tear ran down my face and I couldn't help the rest 

G- come here pumpkin 

F- no no she's not a pumpkin she's more of a... uhhhh... yeah idk what to call her other than darling tho you do have the face of a pumpkin you're quite scary 

He was trying to make me laugh and it worked but I smacked him for that comment 

F- I was kidding you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen y/n 

He kissed my head 

G- now what's wrong 

Y- he didn't miss me... my own best friend... you two wrote me more then he did.. you guys wrote such sweet notes, Harry did too see 

I showed the photo and letter he sent 

Y- mione didn't but she's mione I didn't expect it but.. Ron's letter was "I miss you, hope you're having fun, see you at school"  that's all no happy birthday no dorky comments like usual nothing and that bloody hurts we've been friends for 8 years and he cares more for the girl who didn't know he bloody existed till last year then me. Godrick if it wasn't for me she wouldn't know who he was and- UGH I hate him. How could he forget my birthday. 10 days after his bloody hell. But no I bet he was snogging the bloody flower to notice my letters or birthday gifts I sent. I don't  get it.

G&F- he's a git.

Y- he's an asshole. 

G&F- he's a gittish asshole 

They started laughing 

F- yk you'd look better with me anyway 

G- no no me 

Y- I'd look good with both of you, actually I'd look good with anyone in this bloody school, but it's not happening bc you're my brothers 

I got up and kissed their cheeks 

Y- wanna go to lunch? 

G- yes as long as you're feeling better 

Y- I'll feel better when he apologizes. 

We got to lunch and I sat beside Harry, my eyes puffy but I was quick to smile when he put his arm around me hugging me 

H- glad to see you're alive 

Y- thank you 

H- for? 

I showed him the photo and he laughed 

H- I knew you'd love it 

Y- god you're so cocky.

H- you love itttt

I grabbed some toast and ate half of it before feeling sick making Harry look worried he knew I stopped eating a lot after malfoy and his "friends" comments... even lavenders...


D- godrick you're fat

D-loose some weight 

P- stop eating so much and maybe someone will like you

La- pig.


La- fat



P-attention seeker 

End of flashback 

H- you've got to eat love...

Y- I know I'll eat more at dinner ok? 

He gave me a look of worry 

Y- I promise Harry I'm just not hungry rn ok? I've just woken up.. 

we ate and he took me to the field to play around then to the black lake to read some but I saw Ron... with lavender.. by our  tree. Snogging.

Y- bloody HELL 

I threw my book down 

Y- can't they get a room that is our tree for just me you and him NOT me you him and her

H- I know y/n I know. He's such an idiot to not see that he shouldn't be with her... 

Y- exactly. Bloody fool is what he is 

I started walking towards them 

H- wait what are you- 

Y- excuse me yes this tree is not for having sex Ronald so you can take the rose bud and go to your room or something me and Harry would like to study and talk here. 

La- uh you can leave we were here first 

Y- ACTUALLY  I was here first you didn't even know who he was till last year whilst I have seen him grow up now shoo fly away please both of you bye bye 

I was pushing them away while Ron's face was red but he looked sad seeing me upset, lavender grabbed his arm and pulled him away and me and Harry just sat there reading for hours 

H-yk that was funny, how scared she looked ron looked... idk sad? 

Y- we're not exactly speaking rn so 

H- yeah ik he told me he missed you and he wanted me to say sorry for him but I told him no to grow a pair and tell you himself but yk ron. 

He rolled his eyes 

H- I can't believe he can't just admit he loves you 

I snorted at his comment but he looked serious 

H- I'm not kidding he's bloody in love with you but too stupid to admit it. 

I just rolled my eyes but when I went to bed that night that's all I could think about... did ron actually love me? Why does that make me happy... god he's so cute. What no. He's your best friend y/n shut the hell up and sleep you're just tired... yeah tired... 

But deep down you knew.. you were falling for your best friend...

Ok ima die now guys idk wtf im doing helppppp

In love with my best friend- a Ron Weasley imagineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora