45; bear at a bachelor party

Start from the beginning

A light female voice comes next. "What's wrong?"

They're slowing to a stop now, finally at the house Elias used to class a second home. He's not breathing, no human scent has hit him yet, meaning it's easy to observe things without a instinct driven mind. Bellas light is on, her window shut. Eli can't still hear her clearly, he can hear her heart beating in it's clumsy pattern- he can hear Charlie's steady one too. His warmth is on the bottom floor. He's probably fell asleep watching tv again. Either way, Eli's quick to not focus on it all, especially as his mouth slicks with the idea of warm blood.

"You don't have to call my brothers. Apparently they're not letting me bow out tonight," Edward huffs in explanation, just as Nate bounds over to restrict Eli. It's not needed at the moment, but he's still great full. Better safe than sorry.

Bella sighs, sounding amused as she bids, "Have fun."

They're not moving quick enough for Emmett. Who, with a Cheshire Cat grin, jumps up to her window and scrapes his steel nails down the glass. The noise makes Elias shiver. "If you don't send Edward out, we're coming in after him!" He calls, proceeding to drop down.

"Go," Bella laughs, the sound makes Eli's shoulders relax under Nate's hold. "Before they break my house."

Eli can hear Edward move around and head to the window before he actually seeing him. His backs to them all as he kisses Bella goodbye. Elias ignores how her heart beats quicker. "I'll meet you at the alter," he promises sarcastically.

"I'll be the one in white," Bella bids in the same tone.

Edward opens the window and jumps out, too fast for Bellas eyes. As soon as he lands, Emmett is wrapping a arm over his shoulder, shaking him. Edward shoves him to the ground with a laugh.

Elias, trying to not laugh as it meant breathing in, feels Nate's hands tighten as Bella moves to the window and into Eli's sight. She's so different looking in his vampire eyes, the colours of her hair more vibrant, her eyes deeper than he remembers. His chest tightens like somethings blocking his airways. She looks... fragile too, in a way he never saw as a human. She'd always been a pillar of support for him, especially as they were the same species. Elias was physically strong in the pair, but he'd always leant on her for the rest of his strength. He'd never seen her as a weak person.

It was different now. Now, he could see exactly how thin her skin was, how each beat of her heart went around her body. He could hear the air in her lungs. How easy it would be for her to get hurt! It made him want to panic. No wonder Edward and Jasper used to hover all the time. Elias felt like jumping up and wrapping his sister in his arms, despite no danger present- well, other than himself.

"You better not make him late!" She calls out the window. It hasn't even been a full second since Elias saw her. Nate switches his hold on the newborn, wrapping his arms around Eli's torso- something in his own body language had shown how he wanted to pounce on the girl. Funnily enough, it wasn't about blood. He'd have to explain that later.

Jasper jumps up to the window for his turn to talk to her. Eli is glad his mate missed the moment he just had. "Don't worry Bella, we'll get him home in plenty of time," the scarred boy, who's hair looked particularly silver in the weak moonlight, assures. Elias could only imagine what type of relaxation he was manipulating her emotions into.

"Jasper?" She says, already sounding calmer. "What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You're not taking him to a strip club, are you?"

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