Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Annika

Annika stared longingly out at the forest, her fluffy tail dipped in white, her red tabby fur spiking when playful and mischievous kitten Abi leaped onto her back. Elaina stalked out of the human's den. Elaina was known to be incredibly wise for her young age.

"Guys, our owner's giving us food. We should probably take it, or else we might starve again tonight." Elaina stated. Annika scowled at Abi and shook her off. Right on cue, Abi's stomach growled, and Annika glared at the younger cat. Ugh, I hate rambunctious kits, Annika thought to herself.

Abi squealed, "Bye! I'm outta here!" and leaped through the cat flap into the house. Elaina joined Annika's side and sat with her, her blue-grey tail was swishing back and forth.

"Thinking about going into the woods again?" she asked Annika.

Annika nodded. "I know that we shouldn't, and it's dangerous, but...I'm just curious." Elaina didn't say anything. Then Athena, out of nowhere, sat by their side, making Annika and Elaina jump.

"Where did you come from?" Annika yelped, her fur bristling.

Athena rolled her eyes.

"Inside. Abi's eating all the food; we better hurry up before she leaves us only crumbs."

Annika and Athena jumped toward the flap, and Elaina followed slowly. Annika looked back. "Elaina, come on!" she called.

Elaina said, "Be careful once you get in there. One wrong move, and you know what our owner will do." Annika and Athena looked at each other. They certainly did know what their owner would do.

They decided that it would be safest to be affectionate to the owner, rather than running away. They gracefully stepped through the cat flap and walked toward their owner. They brushed against their owner's leg, purring. Then they went over and ate the little food that Abi had left them.

When they got to the bowl, Annika scowled.

"Seriously, Abi?" she said. "You literally ate most of our food."

Abi shrugged. "It's your fault that you took so long to come over." Athena walked inside, carrying a mouse in her jaws.

"Wait... when did you go outside?" Annika asked.. Hadn't Athena been inside a moment ago?

"Eh, does it really matter? I got you guys food since Abi ate it all." Athena responded bleakly. Abi suddenly dropped the ball of yarn she had been playing with a moment ago, and lunged at the mouse. Annika shoved her out of the way, and took the mouse to the older cat den for them to share. Abi slinked off, head and tail drooping. Athena and Malcolm stalked around the room, purring and grooming each other. Everyone knew that Malcolm and Athena are Abi's parents, but it's a little hard to believe that such calm cats could have such a rambunctious kitten.

Athena tore a piece off of the dead mouse and walked over to Malcolm so that they could share. Malcolm flicked his brown tail in amusement as Athena tried to take the bone out of the mouse.

"Athena, here," he said as he tore out the bone with ease.

"Show off," Athena scoffed and licked behind his ear where his fur had been matted down.

Annika and Elaina ate the same mouse together, but Elaina kept glancing up at the cat flap, Annika frowned. "Elaina, why aren't you eating?"

Elaina didn't answer, and her ear twitched.

"Duck," she said suddenly. Annika ducked her head and felt something wizz over her. She turned around quickly, alerting Athena and Malcolm.

A black cat had jumped at Annika, and he snarled at the older cats.

"Luke," Elaina said grimly. Athena snarled. "What are you doing here? You're a traitor! You're not welcome here."

The black cat laughed wickedly. "Ah, but I've come here, whether I was welcome to or not, hmm?" Elaina's blue eyes narrowed. "Leave us alone, Luke."

Luke looked at Annika. "Hm. Haven't seen this one before," he said, gesturing to Annika.

Annika rolled her eyes and bristled in anger "I have a name, y'know. But of course, you wouldn't remember it. Don't worry, I remember you, though."

"The problem is that he"- he nodded his head at Malcolm -"should be with the rest of my kin. Not with you females. We can't take you, you're only strong enough to catch a mouse. I doubt you've ever caught a rat before."

That was what made Athena lunge at him. Luke was ready for anything, so he turned to Athena and wrestled with her. When he had his back turned, Elaina looked at Annika, gesturing to jump when he wasn't paying attention. Annika nodded, and when he had his back turned, they lunged at his back. Luke turned around just in time, so Elaina was knocked back, but Annika had enough grip to stay on top of the cat. Malcolm kept busy and fought in front of Luke.

Luke thrashed and scratched, making it hard for Annika to keep holding on. But she managed to sink her teeth into his dark pelt. Luke howled in pain and trashed and scratched. Annika clung on while Athena was knocked onto the ground. Malcolm rushed to her aid, and Elaina subdued him while Annika and Athena pinned him down. Abi started to jump on Annika, but she picked her up and plopped her on Luke.

Athena and Malcolm wrapped their tails defensively around Abi, spitting and hissing when Luke got too close.

Luke chuckled. "Defensive of your kit, huh?" He sprang to his paws and lunged at Abi, but Malcolm was too quick and slit his throat with his sharp claws. Luke snarled. "I'll get your kit, just like the rest of them!"

Annika's heart skipped a beat. The rest of them? Luke had killed Athena and Malcolm's other kits!

Malcolm jumped at Luke and wrestled with him. As Malcolm gave a final bite, Luke howled in pain and dropped to the floor. Malcolm's teeth dripped with blood and he spit at the ground. "Gross," he said. "Luke blood."

Abi was crying and Athena was comforting her, but her eyes were wary. Malcolm started taking care of Athena's wounds. Everybody knew that Malcolm was an expert fighter and healer.

Elaina limped toward Annika, checking to make sure there weren't any fatal injuries. "Malcolm, get over here. She has a bad one on her paw." As Malcolm healed Annika's wounds, Athena said, "That's it. We're leaving this horrible house and going to the forest. Abi will be safer from Luke's kin there."

Everybody agreed except Abi, so naturally, they were going to leave. "Could I bring my ball of yarn, Mom?" she asked Athena. Athena looked at the ball of yarn tiredly. "I guess so," she said. They took Abi's ball of yarn and headed out of the cat flap. Malcolm carried Abi by her scru ya welcome, and they headed into the forest.

After hours of walking, they found a little cave under a ridge that they could stay in. There was a small stream running inside it. "This will be good," decided Elaina. "I'll get some bush for us to sleep on."

She bounded away. "I guess I could hunt for food," Malcolm muttered. "Athena, could you take care of Abi for me?" Athena nodded, happy to take a break from walking. She lay down on the grass and Abi snuggled up next to her. Annika decided to gather some branches that they could use to build.



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