Nick left the altar, walking to the front of the church to try and see if there was any sign of you. But all he could find was Peter Parker, looking around wildly, as if he, too, didn't know where the hell you were. And oh, that upset Nick. That upset Nick a lot.

"Where the hell is she, Parker?"

The kid said nothing. And, god, that pissed Nick off even more. He grabbed Peter by the collar of his shirt, his hand falling to the gun holstered on his hip.

"Tell me where the fuck my topolina is now, or you'll regret it."

Peter still said nothing, until Nick pulled out his gun, shoving it under Peter's chin.

"I-I lost her," he finally said.

"What the hell do you mean by that!?"

But before Peter could answer, a flurry of sirens sounded down the street.

"I think you know."


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You were surprised when Nick let you stay at a hotel room the night before the wedding. But, you mused, he had also been giving you more freedom nowadays. You supposed that was your reward for being compliant. You viewed it more as a punishment, though. What was the point of freedom when everything you ever could have wanted was taken from you? What was the point of freedom when you had no need to be free?

There was nothing left in the world for you.

Though, you did enjoy having the night away from being suffocated by Nick's endless affection. It was nice to have the space to breathe. But what came with that space? The feeling that your lungs were going to collapse in on themselves? It made you want to die.

You couldn't sleep that night. Every time you closed your eyes, you thoughts were plagued by him. He filled your mind, his bright blue eyes twinkling at you, a smile curved on his face. He stood with you, wearing the best tux he could afford. He reached out, holding your face in his hands. He brushed a strand of hair from your face, leaning down, the words I love you unspoken but crystal clear.

It made you want to vomit. Thinking of Bucky.

You knew now that he didn't love you. You wondered if he ever did. Well, okay. Maybe he did love you. Once upon a time, maybe his love was real. But the more you thought about it, the more you pondered on what you saw in that alleyway, the stronger your belief was in what you saw.

Bucky was alive. You knew it. You never saw him again, you never heard from it. And that made it all the more damning. Bucky was alive, and he no longer loved you. Because how could a person ever let the one they love suffer the way you have?

By the time dawn broke, the sun rising in the sky, you hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep. How could you? When your fate was about to be sealed forever? Bucky didn't love you, and you were going to be forced into a marriage you never would have asked for.