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pairing: enforcer!bucky barnes x fem!reader; mob boss!nick fowler x fem!reader

warnings?: probably very inaccurate depiction of a therapy session, pet name (topolina/sweetheart), not proofread

warnings?: probably very inaccurate depiction of a therapy session, pet name (topolina/sweetheart), not proofread

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Peter was worried. Actually, no. He was far more than worried. He was scared shitless. It was like the little bit of life you still had in you was gone. Like your light had been extinguished. No one knew what you saw, but Peter...He had a damn good idea. He had told Bucky to never leave the apartment, but the stubborn man had snuck out to Steve's store to discuss the plan. He had tried to leave with no trace when you and Nick arrived but...He certainly hadn't anticipated you coming out. And like the idiot he was, of course Bucky had to try and talk to you.

When Peter found out, he was livid. It had been a long time since Peter had felt so goddamn angry, but under these circumstances? When everything they were doing had to be so fucking careful? Yeah, he was pissed. Bucky, of course, felt horrible about it, felt guilty about potentially ruining the plan. And when he'd heard about how you were doing, he felt even worse. But Bucky wasn't the one having to deal with the direct fallout of it all.

"I don't understand, sir," Peter said when he was called into Nick's office in the week following the incident. "You think someone's trying to harm Ms. Y/L/N—excuse me, Mrs. Fowler?"

Nick nodded, his frown deepening. "I've been hearing whispers about a new syndicate rising in ranks. No one knows who they are or what exactly they're trying to achieve. But our territory's been hit with the most...interesting activities. Shipments being stolen, our men being taken out. If I had to wager a guess, I would say someone's trying to get me out of the picture."

Peter swallowed hard. He knew exactly what Nick was talking about. Part of the plan was Steve and Bucky...eliminating Nick so that the syndicate Steve was building could take Nick's place. It was only that way that Bucky could freely leave with you and live whatever life the two of you wanted to live. But, Nick didn't know that. So, Peter had to play ignorant. "And you think whoever that's leading that syndicate is going to hurt Mrs. Fowler to hurt you."

"Their leader is smart. It's been no secret that I killed my best enforcer for trying to take her from me. If their leader's trying to hit hard, and I imagine he is, then it would only make sense to hit me where it hurts." Nick leaned back in his seat, rubbing his face with his hands. If Peter was being honest, it was the first time he'd seen his boss look so stressed. "I don't know what my topolina saw in that alley, but it scared her. Hell, I think it scared her more than when I killed Barnes. I can only fear what could've happened if I hadn't come out to the alley when I did."

Peter almost said that you would've been fine, but he held his tongue just in time. Nick couldn't know the truth. It would ruin everything. And yet, Nick noticed that Peter was about to say something.

He raised a brow. "Do you have something to say?"

"I-I just wanted to ask if she's doing better. I haven't gotten to see her since that day."