~A start for the day~

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Enjoy this thing I made

The first like 200 words are old but someone asked me to update this so im doing it like 2 months after aahaha

enjoy ig

TW : starving yourself, using wrong pronouns, let me know if there's any more


I awoke to the sun shining in my room onto my eyes.
Enderchest was purring next to me, I ruffled her fur with love.
I proceeded to sit up and let my half-and-half clawed feet rest on the cold floor. My head being still dizzy for a few seconds from just waking up.

I pick up Enderchest, opening the doors to my balcony, and letting her climb down the castle. She pounced from balcony to balcony.

I'm not exactly allowed to own a cat, but I can't live a life without Enderchest.


Ranboo found Enderchest discarded from her owner, she was a stray. She was in horrible condition and Ranboo took the cat in. Ranboo has now gotten attached and they've only had her for 2 months but I guess that's what animals will do to ya.

Smiling, I let the sun soak in for a bit as I stand watching all the people awakening and heading out to work in the sunrise. Which I then get distracted by Enderchest cutely hopping around. I could feel my frail tail wag.

I watch in awe as she bounces down.

Just then a maid comes in, requesting I get changed as a neighboring kingdom is coming over for a meeting with my parents. I nod and she closes the door as she leaves.

I go over to my violet dresser and search for an outfit. Picking a dark purple and black suit with gold and silver lining the coat of it. (Like Rans's outfit from Tales of the SMP but purple and less fancy like his)

I take off my white loose pajama shirt. Attempting not to look down, it's clear how overweight I am. Though, my mom always asks why I'm 'so skinny'. What an ass, I think as I roll my eyes to myself.

She's pitying me and I dislike it. I'm not skinny and perfect. I'm far from it.

Ah, I shouldn't think rude stuff about my mum. She really has helped me. I shake my head, ashamed of the thoughts I had.

(All bodies are perfect <3)

I soon finish putting on the outfit, finishing my belt last. I walk over to my vanity that sits on the wall left to my door.

I sit on the chair infront of it, tying my bangs up and start perfecting my face, putting on masacre and eyeliner along with blush. Not much, because many people aren't fond of 'men who like makeup'. Though, I go by they/them people still thinks of me as a man when I'm not, they try and set me off by saying "isn't he so weird" while I'm still in the room with them.

I finish off with some lip gloss, and start to brush my two-toned hair. It's a challenge truly, somehow I'm going to bed with the neatest hair to ever exist and then I wake up to a massive knot.

After sorting my locks out for like 10 minutes I get up and slip on my black boots. Doing a little twirl in my vanity's mirror, happy with how I look for once in my life.

I open the door to my room and step out, ready for the whispers and rumors. Honestly, my father Phil doesn't hear them with his ears. Which is fine, he shouldn't worry about my problems. He's got too much going on.


I walk around for a few more minutes, getting lost then asking for directions. I literally have lived here my entire life, how does this even happen? I should just get a map at this point.

Wait didn't I say I'd get one yesterday?

Oh my god..
I face palm physically, gaining looks from a butler carrying tea and a maid polishing a vase in the hallway.

"Oh- um-..."
I try to make out words but I end up just sprinting away like a 'cartoon character'.

I make it to the meeting room, pushing down the feeling of breakfast. I ate yesterday, I'll be fine. I already ruined my score, can't do it again.

"Ah, Ranboo. We were just tidying up, they aren't here yet. They're running late so it'll be like 20 more minutes."
I hear my eldest brother Dream say. He's just wearing a regular suit close to mine, but a lavender kind of color. His blonde locks bouncing as he shrugged in a sort playful matter.

They're running late? Oh- well more time to mentally prepare myself for conversations I guess?
I could also go into the village, maybe see Niki? Her bakery has been thriving lately though.. But it would be nice to see her.

"Alright, I'll be in town till they get here."
I stepped out and closed the door gently only to hear,

"Bro desperately wanted out of doing chores. Bruhhhh."
A monotone voice says, obviously my other brother. I didn't think he was in there, it's kinda scary how I didn't notice.

Though he is the General, guess I can't expect anything less from the classes he has.

My footsteps filled the hallways that lurked inside the freshly polished castle. I try to ignore the whispers that danced around, the voices made my head hurt. So much so that I realized I'm now in the town-square with little purple particles yelling tiny screams of congratulations for.. Teleporting?

I wave them away because they kept bickering on how to rate my success. I understand they mean no harm it's just annoying to have them around constantly.

Making my way over to the shops, I watch as people set up their stores and restaurants. It's nice how lively it is but I do prefer quiet. I finally see Niki!

Ah, but she's running around everywhere? I sprint over try to call her name as she hands two men a basket of treats. She finally looks over and hugs me.

I chirp as she pulls away and responds,

"Hey, Ranboo! Sorry I can't exactly talk right now. I've got so many orders for birthday parties, funerals, even weddings!"
Niki says excitedly. I guess I shouldn't bother her.

"Oh! Okay, yeah that's fine. Go get those orders."
I cheer her on as she runs off before yelling a 'Thanks!'.

Well now what? I guess... I could walk around?

I stomp my boots and continue to wander further in the crowd, having to pat some babies as I think kissing them is gross. I reach a fountain.

It's water flowing from all around as it glistens in the sunlight. It's truly a remarkable sight, that is... Until I hear music.

1169 words (funny number)

Ending the first chapter here because I wanna save the next part for the second chapter (I also wanted to try doing a cliffhanger) This is really short and I'm sorry about that. But I might update tomorrow or in a few hours, idek. Hope you like this chapter and remember ....


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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