chapter 3

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your pov second person

you saw Kayden walk of to some boy but you just ignored him

"so you heard of me ?"

"yeah from this girl called Imogen she sat next to me for one class and i asked her about ppl and who she hangs around and stuff and rambled on about you for like a full on 20 mins i literally had to ask her about something different just so she would shut up about offence" you say looking up at him before going back to play with the grass

"non taken honestly i would of done the same...this is really random but why are you over at this bit ?"

"rugby try outs i promised my Kayden that i would watch him try out and i know that there next period sooo here i am" you saw looking over at him then to my brother who was talking to a boy

"uhhh who's that ? the one who's talking to Kayden?" you point over to the two boys

"that's Charlie. Charlie spring he's in our form class.."

"ni-" i got cut of by a boy shouting nicks name

"Oi nick mate who's your little girl friend? "you look up to see a group of boys and Imogen

she looked at you then smiled

"Y/n why r you over here?" She said with a smile whilst walking over to nick to mess up his hair

"well Imogen I'm here to watch the rugby try outs my brother is trying out so.." you look at her then nick who's fixing up his hair just for her to mess it up again

" you never told me you had a brother" she said walking over and sitting next to you

"well you never rlly asked so yeah how was i supposed to know you wanted to know? you also wouldn't shut up about offence nick " you hear the boys laughing at your comment

"non taken" he said laughing

"hey nick we better be heading you know"Harry said before walking away

"oh um yeah bye Imogen bye y/n" he said before standing up and walking to the changing rooms leaving you and Imogen by your self's yeyyyy

" so should we start heading ?" Imogen said standing up and brushing off her skirt

"uh yeah sure" you said grabbing your bag before standing up and start heading to the field

{when you get there}

you see Elle standing with two other boys so you decide to go over not being bothered for Imogen to rant on about Nick again

"ELLE" you say going over to her and hugging her

"hey y/n oh this is Isaac and Tao my friends from when i went here" she said pointing to a boy in a Bennie and a boy reading a book who gave me a small smile

"hi...why you guys here ?" i ask looking at the field then back at the trio

"Charlie's decided to try out even though he knows nothing about rugby" Tao said

"all bc of a boy"

"that he just meet" Isaac added on

"well this is going to be fun to watch wait he has another silly crush?" Elle asked looking at the boys

"yeah some boy he meet in his formclass who is most likely straight" he said crossing his arms


well I'm ending this here so yah ig just wait for the next chapter

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