scene 8

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"Was that part of plan? Getting caught?" You asked looking at billy. "Not exactly" billy mumbles and looked at you. "Your dad is pissed" you sigh. "Yeah so? Screw him" billy shrugs. "You're an idiot more than a genius" you said and rolled your eyes.

"Soda?" You asked and walked to your refrigerator, your hand on the cold steel door handle. "Sure" he sighs.

Billy didn't quite understand why you stuck around after finding out him and stu where psychopaths. Billy who, enjoyed feeling blood covering his leather gloved hands and stu who followed billy like a lost puppy. He came to the conclusion that you were just as crazy as them, and in fact you were.

Billy remembered every single action you took when you confronted him about it, you weren't scared at all... you were ready to take in charge of the situation that was infront of you and he loved you even more after that.

You grab the soda out of the fridge and hand it to billy and sat down next to him. "You're think hard mr. Loomis" you chuckle lightly and looked at how his face was serious when thinking and he stared off at a old family photo of yours.

"Is that your dad?" He asked. "Yeah" you mumble and look at him. "Where is he?" Billy asked and his stare drifted to you.

You never really talked about your dad to billy, it never was something you two brought up before.

"I don't know, he left when I was a kid and never came back" you say and looked at your lap. Billy noticed your mood change instantly, "I'm sorry" he whispers and looks at you with sympathy for you. "My mom left me aswell, dad had an affair" billy sighs and you hum lightly. "I'm sorry Billy, I guess your dad is really a asshole" you say and your hand wandered to his and stroked over his knuckles.

"Two broken people with a missing parent figure, perfect match hm?" You smile lightly and intertwined eachothers fingers and you brought your hands up and looked into his eyes and pecked each of his knuckles. "You're as fucking crazy as me" billy says and looks at you, he watched every movement you made.

"Crazy people attract other crazy people" you chuckle lightly. "So tell me... am I allowed to be part of this?" You ask him. "Are you joking?" He asked raising a brow, he wouldn't want you hurt EVER. "No I'm not" you say and looked at him with the most blank expression. "Get me a costume loomis and a knife" you say and looked at him seriously.

"I would have to squeeze you into the plan though y/n" billy says and looked at you. "Then get working" you say and pecked his cheek and saw how they turned red the moment your lips touched his cheek. "I thought you didn't blush" you tease. "Very funny" he rolls his eyes.

He was sassy sometimes but mostly just very serious. You liked how somehow You managed to get the good parts Out of him even though he was like the devil looking like an angel.

He was everything to you, maybe the only male figure that actually gave you some sort of love and safety.

"What are we?" You whisper and look at him, your head resting on his shoulder and you having a gaze of the side of his face. "I don't know" he mumbles. "Me neither" you whispers

You both knew what you two were, but you both chose not to talk about it. Love would effect the plan and any of your feelings.

You smiled lightly and held his hand, his hands where big and calloused compared to yours. You both saw how you both looked at eachother, the look of love and happiness. You were happy with eachother and nothing else in the world mattered.

"So what's my training?" You joke. "Let's start this off... what's your favorite scary movie?" He grins. "You're kidding right?" You snicker and looked at him. "Nope, what is it?" He chuckles. "Halloween" you smile and look at him. "Basic" he groans. "What? Seriously?" You laugh and look at him.

"I mean come on it's so fucking simple, you ask a non horror movie fan what's their favorite movie and it's always halloween" he snickers. "Fine then I like the first nightmare on elm street!" You say.

"Jonny depp is so dreamy" you smile softly. "I guess that's fine" he mumbles. "What jealous Johnny look alike?" You snicker and looks at him with a small smile. "Another one" billy says and looks at you.

"Carrie" you say and looked at him. "That's not really scary more of a drama film to me" billy says looking at you. "But it's still scary when she goes psycho!" You say. "But not scary, she had her motive since the beginning, having a motive clear out in the open is just not scary" billy says.

"Do we know why people eat others?" Billy asked. "No..." you say furrowing your brows. "Exactly, we find them scary right?" Billy asked. "We duh, billy" you snicker. "See that's what makes a good scary movie, not knowing about anyone's motive" he smiles. "Without anyone knowing your motive you have no reason to do the crime, billy you're a genius for fake dating sidney!" You laugh and smile and looked at him.

"So does stu know about your motive?" You ask. "Nah, he doesn't at all" billy says looking at you. "It's better that way" billy mumbles and looked at you. "What's your motive?" Billy asked. 'Love' you wanted say but that didn't come out. "None at all because I'm scary like that" You joke and he shook his head and laughs and both of your laughters calmed down and he stared at you with a curious look, he knew you had a motive he was just blind to know what it was.

Cry For Me- Billy Loomis X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now