Telling William the News

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Disclaimer: I only own Darcy, all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

Darcy walked into the kitchen seeing Chuck and Nate. She had just gotten off the phone with her dad. He is gonna be in town so she was planning to have dinner with him tonight to tell him about the baby.

"Jack's people on the ground are helping to find out who the mystery man with Bart in Amira's photo is?" Chuck said.

"Did he come up with anything?" Nate asked.

"Not yet. We got a partial plate off the car. Tracked down the restaurant it was parked outside of. So that's a good place to start asking questions."

"Well that's good news. I mean maybe someone in the area will recognize him you know"

"Well let's hope so" Chuck said then turned and spotted Darcy. "Morning Beautiful"

"Morning" she said kissing him "Were you just discussing Jack?"

"Yes, I was just telling Nathaniel that he's helping us with the picture. He also say's congrats"

"Wait Jack wasn't at the wedding?" Nate asked

"He was" Darcy replied the turned her attention to Chuck "Dad's in town. Dinner tonight?"

"Sounds good" he replied as Dan walked in Monkey behind him. Chuck looked at him weird. "I may be negotiation with terrorist, but you're harbouring a fugitive"

"Bass" Darcy said

"I'm gonna head out" he replied kissing her "See you tonight, come on Monkey"

The dog followed Chuck out. Darcy turned back to Nate.

"I'll leave you two, I'm gonna go shower."

She headed back toward her room and got ready for the day after her shower. She came back out and only saw Nate.

"Everyone leave?" she asked.

"Yeah" Nate replied "So Jack was at the wedding"

"Nate, I'm so sorry."
"Hey it's okay. So what was he congratulating you on?"

"Okay, since I'm telling my father tonight and Serena knows, as does Eric and Lola. I'll tell you"

"Oh the family had to know first. I'm hurt I'm not on that list"

"Nathaniel Archibald you are my best friend and family to Bass and I."

"So what's the news?"

"I'm pregnant!"

"That's amazing!" Nate said hugging her.

"I'm happy, Bass is happy. We're happy" She replied putting a hand on her small bump. "We were waiting to tell people because of..."
"The miscarriage"

"Yeah" she replied then looked at her phone "Oh my god, I need to go. I have a meeting"

"With your agent?"

"No, um Dan's old publishing company."

"Oh is this about your biography?"

"Yes" she smiled "And you should get to work, aren't you this editor in chief for a big company"

"Har har Darc"

Darcy got to the publishing company and walked in. She spotted Alessandra.

"Miss Ellis!"

"It's Mrs Ellis Bass or Mrs Bass now"

"Well congratulations"

"Thank you. Um this is about the biography right? If this is you cancelling it I can totally find another writer"

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