The dog and I gave Bey our sternest you've-got-to-be-kidding looks.

But she ignored our silent rebuke.

We're spending two nights at the ranch. Then we're going to drop Megan off before going to Texas for a delayed Thanksgiving with Bey's mom.

I'd suggested we invite her to the ranch as well, even though I hadn't cleared that with Virginia.

But I hadn't even finished my sentence before Bey started shaking her head.

"She's going on some trip with this widows group she belongs to," she said, her face tightening like it always does when she talks about her mother. "They go away for Thanksgiving every year."

Secretly, I was relieved Bey's mom already had plans.

I want her to have a good first impression of me. And I have no idea how much drama might be served up at my grandmother's table this year.

It feels like a big step that Bey and I are meeting each other's families. I'm nervous about it.

My phone buzzes: A text from TT.

Sorry Nicnac. I know I'm the world's biggest bitch. And a fool. I wanted those girls to accept me so much I just lost my mind. None of them know I'm a foster kid.

The three dots on the phone tell me she's typing more.

I sigh and shake my head, staring out the car window at the gentle hills and pastureland we're driving through.

Everything we can see belongs to my grandmother.

In the distance, I spot one of the herds of wild horses the government pays her to keep on the ranch.

When I was about 12 and crazy about horses, I used to dream about somehow getting close enough to make friends with one of them. I'd picture myself racing across the plains at breakneck speed on my beautiful, spirited mare.

But those horses were meant to stay wild.

My phone dings again: Thanks so much for asking your grandma to help me. I owe you one. I won't forget it babe!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I decide not to answer right away. It feels like TT is just using me. I don't know what to think.

"You okay?"

Bey is glancing back and forth between the road and me.

I haven't told her about TT yet.

She runs a finger down my cheek, then tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

I smile at her. I've just opened my mouth to respond when Megan makes a vomiting sound from the back seat.

"You know," she says, sitting up straighter and stretching her arms over her head, "I'm trying to be better about this." She does a little circle with her finger to include me and Bey.

"But do you two have to be so all puke-inducing right in front of me?"

Munchie yips, as if he agrees with Megan, and she hugs him.

Bey rolls her eyes and shoots an I-told-you-so side-eye at me.

"You getting enough heat back there?" I ask Megan, holding my hand in front of the vents and ignoring her comment.

The temperature dropped overnight; a light snow has been falling all morning.

"Yeah," Megan responds, snuggling into Munchie. "I'm fine. I just...holy shit."

She's staring at the massive gate looming before us.

I've seen the ranch entrance so many times, it doesn't even register. But I have to admit it's pretty impressive.

Romantically EntangledTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon