Chapter 80 - The Disappearance of Mr. Crouch

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"I hope they don't take hostages again." I frowned.

"Maybe not." Hermione said. "But what could possibly top a dragon and diving underwater for an hour?"

"Maybe something that would actually get you killed this time, Potter." Draco chuckled.

I shot him a glare. "Draco."

"You're not part of this conversation, Malfoy!" Harry exclaimed loudly.

"If you're talking to Y/N while I'm around then that makes me part of it." Draco said.

Ron glared at him in annoyance. "You —"

"I said enough!" I yelled. "If we can't have a civil conversation while walking the corridors, then get away from me, all of you!"

Harry, Ron, and Draco immediately shut their mouths, grumbling to themselves, but still sticking close to me.

Hermione chuckled a little. "You really have such power over them."

"Only because Y/N's violent." Ron frowned. "Don't want to get punched by her or anything of the sort."

I groaned. "Will you ever stop mentioning that?"

"Never!" Ron, Harry, and Draco chuckled. Although the moment the three of them realized they were laughing together, they immediately stifled it and masked it with coughs, not failing to sneer at each other afterwards.

When the five of us walked into the Great Hall, there were a couple of students that turned our way to stare. After all, it was a shocking sight still to see Draco with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Draco quickly walked to the Slytherin table, and I separated from the three with Harry promising that he would let us know whatever will be said at tonight's Third Task briefing.

"Well, that wasn't shocking at all to see Draco walking with his girlfriend and three of his most hated people in this school into the Great Hall." Daphne said in an amused tone.

"I take full credit for Malfoy warming up to Gryffindors." Dean, who was sitting at our table beside Pansy, said.

"Shut up, Thomas." Draco scowled. "Don't make me regret ever letting you sit here."

The rest of our group just sniggered at an obviously irked Draco.

When the food appeared and we started eating Lunch, Draco leaned in to whisper to me.

"So, I take it that you'd be sneaking off later to meet with them?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. If there's nothing too important, Harry would probably tell us about it tomorrow."

He scoffed. "Potter makes everything too important."


I was watching the hands of the huge grandfather clock at the Slytherin Common Room like a hawk. It's been half past since nine o'clock, and I felt ill as each minute passed after that. There was this feeling of dread and restlessness that I could not explain, and I could barely focus on my notes as I fumbled with my hands nervously.

"Is there anything wrong, Y/N?" Draco asked from beside me.

"Something doesn't feel right." I mumbled, still staring at the clock.

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