64. It's a Baby________!!!!(?)

Start from the beginning

Steve nodded in agreement," That's why we're here. I knew if we wanna know everything hundred percent accurate, you'd be our only option. "

She nodded at them ," Okay, I'm preparing the scanners in some time . Be ready. " And left the room.

Steve noticed Natasha left a chocked breath and immediately he cupped her cheeks ," Hey , listen to me carefully okay?. Everything is fine. Everything will be fine. I'm sure she can help us if anything seem wrong."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her forehead against his, as she shallowed a lump in her throat," I know. I just...I don't wanna loose it Steve. No matter how complicated it would be, I don't wanna loose it. It's our baby. "

Steve pulled her to his lap and hugged her gently kissing her forehead," Shh, it'll be fine. " And stayed in each other's arms.

After some time, Shuri took Natasha inside her lab telling Steve that he was supposed to come inside in a few minutes. Sam patted his back," Relax Steve. Everything gonna fine. After all it's a baby of a super soldier and a badass spy." And smiled along with Wanda trying to cheer him up.

Steve nodded shighing a long breath," I know. I just worried about Nat. She's so hopeful about it. If anything goes wrong...",

Wanda cut him off," Like he said, every thing is fine. Don't overthink." He nodded with a relaxed smile.

" What do you think?, will it be a boy or a girl ?", Sam asked him getting excited.

Steve shrugged his shoulder with a smile," I don't know...I hope...It's a girl. Just like Natasha. A little Natasha wouldn't be great?"

Sam rolled his eyes," Comon, I can't handle another sassy Natasha. I need a buddy , you're not fun anymore, old man. " Wanda chuckled beside him. " Wanna bet ?, if it's a boy, You owe me and Wanda a lunch treat. "

Steve shook his head," I'm not betting on my unborn child. A boy or a girl, I'll love it with my heart. "

Sam raised his eyebrow," Unless you're a looser. "

He rolled his eyes, knowing how annoying Sam could be sometimes. " Okay, I accept your bet. But if Natahsa comes to know and chase you around with the sharpest knife in the world to kill you, don't complain, just walk it off. " Sam agreed with a nervous chuckle as Steve walked inside the lab when Shuri called him.

Natasha laid on the bed and Steve sat beside her, holding her hands, both were very anxious, but supporting each other. Shuri moved her palm over Natasha's stomach, over her lower abdomen. The screen flashed in front of them, it was showing the unmoving little creature, placed safely inside Natasha. It's not clearly figurable yet, but it was safe and sound.

Natasha's mouth slightly opened in awe. She had never dreamt of having a baby after the tragic graduation ceremony in red room. The crulest punishment in the hell of earth. A life was growing inside her. A feeling of being called a mother. Someone would be there to call her 'Mom'. A small smile appeared on her face with glossy eyes as she looked up to Steve who was looking down at her with a teary smile. They were gonna be parents soon.

Shuri turned off the screen and looked at them with a happy smile," It's approximately eighteen weeks. Your baby boy is healthy and safe. Your damaged uterus and ovarie production organ is completely healed Ms Rommanof. But you might feel more pain during birth than any normal woman. Like they say, Its healed but the marks of crack is still there. So it'll be painful."

Natasha nodded ," I can handle all the pain it'll cause. At the end itself will give me all the happiness of the world."

Steve smiled, but a slight frown appeared on his face," Wait...did you..did you just say...our baby boy?!!"

Shuri grinned in response," I definitely said that. But thank you for catching this late. Yes, Its a boy. I'll take your leave for now." And left the couple to have a moment.

Natasha turned towards Steve squeezing his palms tightly, as her eyes blurred in tear," A boy. Our...our son. Oh my God!!. Our Son!!. " And crashed her lips to his with a happy and passionate kiss. Steve dragged her in to his lap and wrapped his arms around her back. She mumbled in to his heart," Our Son will be here in almost five months. I can't wait Steve. I can't wait to see him. To hold him. "

He smiled and kissed her hair ," I can't either. "

Just then Sam and Wanda came inside and looked at them excitedly as Natasha didn't bother to move out of her fiance's lap. Sam raised his eyebrows ," So...?!!"

Steve shook his head smiling," You'll get your lunch treat."

Sam and Wanda widened their eyes and screamed in union," It's a BOY!!!", jumping up and down like some elder siblings who were excited to meet the youngest.

Natasha moved her face from Steve's chest and narrowed her eyes at the other three ," What treat?".

Sam's eyes widened as he looked at Steve to rescue him. He tucked some hairs behind her ear," We're celebrating our baby's arrival, love."

Natasha put her head on his chest again and mumbled," Okay then. " Sam and Wanda exited the room leaving the two alone.

So it's a Jr. Steve. 😍

There will be irregular updates for few weeks guys. Please stick with it. Lots of fun is on the way.


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