Chapter 2 Bed-rest

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"We'll guess what, I made observation.", said Claire.
Matt turned his head in her direction. "What is it?"
"That you're hot."
"Well I guess you could say that.", he said with a smirk.
Claire rolled her eyes. "No idiot, your temperature, you're burning."
"Yeah, I noticed that too, I figured I'd just ignore it."
"Yeah well here's the deal, I just stitched up three wounds, you're running a fever, and you're still not completely healed from last time."
"I can manage."
"Well I'm not managing a corpse, so I guess I'll just stay here, make sure your okay, and that you don't try to do any of that hero-ing shit."
"Claire, you really don't- "
"No, Matt I think I really do."
"Look, I'm fine."
"No you're not, just try to rest for once, for me?"
Matt sighed.
"Just lay down for once, please? Sleep, or think about punching people, I honestly don't care, just stay there."
She started to walk out the door, when Matt said, "And if I think about you?"
She stopped, turned around, and said "Then I'll be doing the same."
Then she walked out of his bedroom into the kitchen

Heroes need saving too: A Daredevil fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu