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Tiny feet padded the hardwood floor, previously jumping down from the kitchen counter with little issue. You stood on your tippy toes, the tips of your longer fingers tapping the top cabinet door to a close.

The house was cold as usual, just like every month no matter the season. Long sleeves sufficed during the colder times.

The carpet however was warm underneath your feet as you entered the living room, a hand full of snacks held protectively in your arms. Walking over to the couch, you made yourself comfortable, folding your legs over each other and placing your snacks in a reachable vicinity.

A long needed stretch was taken before you logged into your favorite game, eyes gleaming at the blue penguin sledding, signifying that your game was loading. Once the screen finally changed, you automatically clicked your friends list to see if he was active, e/c eyes lighting up at the sight of his name.


Or as you knew him by,


It had been three months.

Three months of you logging onto Club Penguin just to talk to and play with one particular person. Over those three months, you’ve come to learn a lot about your online friend’s life and vise versa.

For starters, you both were the same age but unfortunately your residence wasn’t anywhere close to his apparently. Imagine the look on your face when he revealed he didn’t even live in the same country as you. Of course, you never spoke nor thought much about meeting him in person, but the news of him living in Mexico sure left a dent in your heart. You shrugged it off a few days later, content on thinking there was nothing to be done and that you probably wouldn’t have visited each other in the first place.

Another thing you learned was that he had a YouTube channel. A small, low quality, but nevertheless interesting channel, based on the same game you met on. It was actually by accident you found out. You were unaware that he was recording a skit when you logged in and fast traveled to him, intruding on a very… questionable scene. Your surprise and joking matter turned the video in a new direction and lead to it being his most popular video at the time.

However, he only informed you of that situation after he posted it and noticed people wanted you to show up in his skits more- something you had no problem with, just was shocked to hear.

You didn’t know why he hid this from you though, at least at first. I mean, why would he? You found his content quite entertaining and was very supportive of all his ideas and jokes. Did he know that? No. Did he want to lose a friend because of what they might think of what he did on the internet?

And that’s where you understood. Fear, coldblooded and malicious, something you related to all too well.

He had nothing to worry about though, you actually became really helpful when it came to making videos. You wrote off and edited a few skits and for a small channel, those videos gained at least 100 views by the end of the week.

Today was yet another day of endless conversations that led to no where and a mixture of mini games.

Cartoons played quietly on the TV, the characters on another dangerous and chaotic adventure that'll only last 25 minutes with the exception of commercials. Nothing too troubling was on the mind. Just simple homework here and there and the thought of what was going to be worn at school when it came.

Small fingers typed slowly onto the dingy keyboard, e/c eyes glancing up and down to and from the screen to make sure each word was typed somewhat correctly.

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