Sorry mom!

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"Remember, you can't mess with magic without me around." Said Ivy's mother carefully.

"Of course." Ivy responded quietly.

"Okay. I'm trusting you right now" Ivy's mother laughed lightly.

"Mhm!" Ivy responded slightly louder than before.

"Well I've got to go out shopping. Be careful, okay?" Ivy's mother said as she started to head out the door.

"Okay! Bye bye!" Ivy said while running up the stairs excitedly.

"Don't forget, no magic!" Ivy's mother said but sighed and shook her head when she quickly realized Ivy was already to far up the stairs to hear her. She lightly laughed as she headed out the door and down the quiet street.


Ivy ran up the stairs full speed and burst into her room. She stopped at the door and looked down at her weird staff. Quickly picking it up in her tiny hands she started jumping up and down with excitement, until she realized she was falling. She looked up in fear to see a portal above her, on the other side looked to be her room. Tears came to her eyes as she looked around to see she was in some dark place. She couldn't tell where she was or what was really going on until, she looked down. She hit the green ground expecting it to hurt but instead the ground was soft. She put her hand to the ground.

"Grass?" She thought to herself.

"No, this couldn't be grass. It's to soft and fluffy"

While thinking to herself she laid back on to the ground. Slowly starting to close her eyes.

"A bit of shut eye won't hurt. Right?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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