Was that because I was sick, or was I really that cruel? I must have been, since I killed that Summoner.

Sighing, I settle back against my pillow, allowing sleep to sweep me away, once again.


I keep my dream to myself for the next couple of days, not wanting to expose whatever I was planning to Tai. I doubt it has anything to do with him at that point, as I wasn't aware of the kind of monster he was devolving into, but I want to be sure.

He has so much leverage on me. He doesn't need any more.

To maintain appearances, I've agreed to greet this man who has allegedly gained territory in the Jade Province. Not much, but it's enough for Tai to want to be in his good graces, so naturally, I'm required to be present, because a King looks so much better accompanied by his soon to be wife.

"Akara, you look beautiful," Tai notes as I come down the stairs. He is waiting for me at the bottom, looking exactly like how he used to, when attending his Kingly duties.

"Thank you. Who are we meeting?" I ask.

"Great question. I am not certain, but he is commanding a small part of the territory in the Jade Province now, so I would like to speak to him," he notes, resting his hand on the small of my back.

It takes all my strength not to flinch away.

"And has he arrived?" I ask through gritted teeth, my faux smile hurting my face with how long I hold it. I'm not trying to impress him, or make him think I want him, but I've found with Tai that sometimes it is easier not to push back in certain situations, to gain his trust.

"He's waiting for us in the dining room."

We go in, and I'm not exactly sure who I expected to see, but it definitely was not someone I know.

Because sitting at the end of the table, looking entirely unbothered, all by himself, is Zavian.

Tai stops short as we enter, clearly as shocked as I am. "Zavian?"

"Tai." Zavian straights in his seat, turning his attention to me, physically taken aback. Last time I saw him, he believed Marek and I were going to the Emerald Province to start our lives, and now, once again, I'm in Tai's clutches. "And Akara? What are you doing here?"

Tai seems to sober from his initial surprise, motioning for me to sit at the table, while he takes the opposite spot. "Haven't you heard? We are engaged to be married."

Zavian flinches. "I thought..."

"What are you doing here, Zavian?" Tai cuts him off.

He sighs, reluctantly dragging his gaze away from me, deciding to tackle one issue at a time. "The opportunity to run my own territory came up through my father, so I took it."

Tai grins, extending his arms. "Congratulations, friend."

"We are not friends, Tai," Zavian seethes. I'm relieved to hear him speaking up to Tai like this, remembering all the horrid things the King has done. I was concerned Zavian was going to turn into another version of Tai, fuelled by the promise of power.

"Let us start fresh. We both run territories, we both have big ambitions..." Tai offers. Were Zavian, my trusted friend, to turn to aid Tai, I don't know what I would do.

"I'm here because I am aware of the weapon you have developed. I want a guarantee it won't be used," Zavian says firmly. My eyes widen. He's talking about the weapon we found blueprints for...

Tai leans back in his chair, taking a sip of his drink. "The weapon benefits us both in the war."

"I don't want to send any troops to support the Province if our way of winning is through such horrible means," Zavian growls.

"Those soldiers are going to die anyway. Should we not take them out in one go, so less people on our side have to die?" Tai asks. He knows his weapon will cause every single troop on the other side to die. Most of them are innocent, just doing as they are instructed to do, and don't deserve to die with such a weapon.

Zavian sighs. "I'm thinking of entirely pulling out anyway, taking a pacifist approach."

"That would be a mistake, Zavian," Tai warns.

Zavian frowns, leaning forward, officially challenged by the King. "I don't want your opinion on morals, when you are clearly forcing Akara to be in this relationship with you."

I freeze, as Tai drags his attention to me. I was honestly perfectly fine with watching the two sort their own issues out, rather than focusing on me, although admittedly, our relationship is the only thing off here.

"Akara and I are merely honouring an old law in this Province," Tai says, holding my gaze, daring me to speak out against him.

As if he can still intimidate me.

"He is blackmailing me, Zavian. I don't want to be here," I tell my friend earnestly. He can't save me, I know that, but only because of the poison Marek is inflicted with. But I want him to know, so he will never trust Tai ever again.

A flash of anger overtakes Zavian's expression as he looks toward Tai. "And what if I turned my troops against you for this horror?"

"Then I will finish this weapon, and use it imminently," Tai threatens.

"When are you going to snap out of this attitude? Your father is dead, you have returned as King...Now is the time to do some good," Zavian insists. He clearly sees something good still lingering in his old friend, or perhaps it's just an empty belief. Sometimes I feel as though Tai can be changed, but these days, I'm not so sure.

Tai shrugs. "I truly believe I am doing good."

"You are holding Akara here against her will," Zavian snaps, his voice rising, to the point he is almost yelling.

"I'm doing what is right, keeping her away from that insufferable Hunter who is probably only using her for her body," Tai mutters. My eyes widen, and I fight the urge to launch over the table and strange the life out of him right now. I wouldn't feel bad about it either, because Tai is basically delusional at this point.

"Don't you dare, Tai..." I warn.

"Am I wrong? I'm offering you marriage, Akara, security. He cannot provide you these things." Tai's eyes narrow, a challenge glistening in them. I grit my teeth, fingers rolling up into fists as I fight the urge to physically hurt him.

Instead, I release a tense breath, sitting back. "Yet I'm in love with him and not you."

"Do you really think with us in such close proximity, after everything, you will be able to resist me?" he demands.

My anger flares. "You severely overestimate your charms, Tai."

"I agree with Akara," Zavian grumbles, looking between us two, wondering how far he should wait to intervene.

A disturbing smile tilts at Tai's lips as he holds my gaze. "Only time will tell."


Remember that you can always find this story 10 chapters ahead on Radish (:

Remember that you can always find this story 10 chapters ahead on Radish (:

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You will find it under King's Possession Season Three!!

~Midika 🐼💜

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