Part 3 of sandro cheated on you

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*So y/n and the kids left*

Alexis:M-mom where we going?

Y/n:Oh in my boy best friend house sweetie

Cheska:Hmm Boy? Are you cheating?

Y/n:Aww no sweetie she is my childhood friend and i'm not cheating.

Jake:Woah long time no see y/n where is your husband?

y/n:We already break up and can I please live in your house? We don't have any house in Manila

jake:Sure come in alexis,cheeks

*They all come inside*

Alexis:Mom where is dad? Are we gonna leave her alone in the house? *Silent cry

y/n:Aww yeah sweetie but you can call him Here my phone*give phone

Alexis:T-thank you mom

*In call*

Alexis:Dad pls come now *Cry

Sandro:Sorry Alexis but I can't your mom is gonna mad at me

Alexis:I miss you dad

Sandro:I miss you too Alexis now I need to hang up the call

Alexis:Ok dad I love you

Sandro:I love you too

*The call end*

So this is only the part 3 guys sorry busy eh, Thanks for reading abangan ang part 4!

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